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"Di....... Divorce??" Daamini asked, her voice filled with shock.

"Yes, now that I have to go to the court after all, let's just finish this mess for once and for all. Get over and done with this nonsense. You are a fraud. A leir. Even I would file a complaint against you." Damodar shouted.

"What complain? Who do you think you are to file a complaint against me?" Daamini screamed back at him.

Anamika who was watching all this mess started rubbing her ears gently.

"These guys are giving me an ear ache." she said but she was soon engulfed in a side hug by Jai Shankar who kissed the top of her head.

"Do not worry I would give you a full body massage at night. That will relieve you from all the pain."

"But what is the connection of full body massage and ear ache?" Anamika asked confused.

"See, after giving you a massage, we would do stuff. And when you will scream loudly, my ears will also start aching. If I cannot give you relief from your pain, at least I can join you in sharing it." Jai Shankar explained as if he was doing the most noble deed.

"Pervert" Anamika muttered hitting him slightly.

"Hey! I was just trying to be a good husband. You never understand my feelings." Jai Shankar retorted dramatically.

"You are a fraud. I will tell the police that you hid those things from me." Damodar said back listening to Daamini's words.

Daamini chuckled slightly listening to him.

"And on what grounds will you get me arrested. If you tell the police that I am a fraud, I will complain about your infedelity."

"What?? Do not forget Daamini that you were an equal part of the mess. I want a divorce." Damodar screamed loudly.

"All Right. I would give you a divorce. But I need at least 65 crores as an alimony. Plus you will support the modelling fees of Shanaya." Daamini demanded .

A gasp escaped Damodar's mouth. "Why would I give you alimony. You are a fraud." he pointed his finger towards her, accusing her.

"And you are a disloyal husband. Remember Damodar. Remember the things I can do to you." Daamini pointed out again.

Damodar held his head in his palms. 

"Where will I bring the money from. I do not have anything left with me." Damodar said to himself helpless about the whole situation.

"I do not know, maybe ask your daughter for it. Or sell your body parts. I just want my money. Otherwise, I would drag you to the court. And do not forget the monthly allowance and off course, the modelling fees of Shanaya." Daamini demanded.

"Please keep me out of this. Sort it out among yourself. I would see what I have to do on my own." Shanaya said. She was tired of all the mess.

"You are a witch. A blood sucking witch." Damodar screamed loudly and launched himself on her and slapped her in front of all.

Arika took her hand to her mouth cupping it, her mind filled with astonishment.

Daamini's face hung low, her hand on her cheek. Her face had become red due to the impact of the slap and tears filled in her eyes.

"How Dare You?" Daamini screamed in Damodar's face and slapped him back with the same force.

All the people standing there were seeing the couple behave like animals. They did not even hesitate to behave that way despite the fact that there were two kings standing in front of them.

"How did you slap me. I am your husband you bitch. I am the one who has the right over your body." Damodar shouted helpless.

He was not in the right state of mind . It seemed as if he could harm anyone who would come in his way right now.

"That is enough. Solve all this at you house. We have guests over. Do not do these stuff here." Jai Shankar declared with a finality in his tone.

However, Damodar did not looked as if he listened to what had been told to him.

He took his hand and slapped Daamini again, and did not stop.

He slapped her back to back till he got tired and had to take his hands down but did not leave her and clutched onto her hair pulling them.

On the other hand, Daamini's body seemed to have been out of life. It was as if all the energy had been sucked out of her body.

She was in a helpless situation due to all the torture that Damodar did on her.

Jai Shankar shook his head and took out his phone and called somebody.

"Inspector. I have some intruders at my place who are creating a big rucuss in here. Please take them away." Jai Shankar said and cut the call.

Withing 20 minutes, police siren's voice boomed in the whole palace as the commissioner along with few inspectors came inside.

"Sir, My officers had informed that you had called . Any problems sir?" the commissioner asked Jai Shankar in a polite tone.

"These people here have barged inside our house. Please arrest them officers." Jai Shankar said pointing towards Damodar who was madly gasping for air and a heavily injured Daamini.

Daamini came back to her senses hearing the name of police.

"No officer. We......... we are here for Arika. She is my.... sorry sorry our daughter. We just came here to meet her." Daamini said quickly before the lady constables could catch hold of her hands.

The commissioner looked at Arika for further instructions.

This was the royal family. And he needed to follow a certain protocol whole dealing with them.

"Arrest them" were the only two words she said and the police started dragging the duo from their hands.

"Daamini was shouting continuously, asking for help from Arika which she royally ignored.

After the police went away, a long silence prevailed inside the hall.

Arika turned towards Shanaya and offered her," You can stay over here." she said.

Shanaya shook her head slightly, " I think you have been disturbed enough because of me and my mother. I do not wish to bother you anymore. Stay happy" she said and started walking out of the hall as well.

"Wait" Arika shouted and ran towards her.

"Where will you go?" she asked. 

"Where ever life takes me" Shanaya replied with a small smile of her face.

"Take care of yourself." Arika said and hugged her tightly.

"Goodbye" Shanaya said breaking free from the hug and walked out of the house.







BYE BYE!!👋🏻💗

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