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Abhimanyu and Arika's hands clutched onto Dev's shoulders from either sides supporting his body weight as he broke down seeing his horrible past in front of him yet again.

Tears streamed down his eyes and his shoulders started shaking innumerable times as she kept his face in between his palms .

Since childhood, it is told that boys are meant to be strong and they should not and cannot cry. 

But the actual truth is that boys have feelings too. They have the right to cry as well. In fact, crying does not makes one weak.

 Instead, it is a way your body releases pain in form of water which flows out of your eyes, instead of keeping it inside and letting it haunt you.

Arika rubbed his back and Abhimanyu pressed onto his hands assuring him that he was there . 

He may be the one who was jealous of Dev's and Arika's closeness but he never knew that young boy had gone through so much in his life time.

He was a happy person, a jolly natured boy. But the reality was that he had been hiding so much inside wearing a mask of happiness.

But the reality was that it was just the starting. It seemed as if the pain of the boy was not going to end anytime soon.

Dev shifted closer to Abhimanyu and he hugged him. Abhimanyu was taken aback for a moment but returned the hug rubbing his back, trying to comfort him.

"Hey! It's okay. You are a strong man. Come On." Abhimanyu said trying to sooth him down.

Arika looked at the two. She knew that Dev needed Abhimanyu right now. He needed a guy right now.

Arika stood up and went to Daamini and said," Mrs. Raichand, Please leave my house right now."

Daamini grunted looking at her," That is my son. I have a right to talk to him. You please get aside." and moved forward attempting to push Arika aside .

Arika huffed. She knew that Dev would not leave her if he gets into his original form. He was emotional right now. And it was important to keep him away from the lady.

She then looked at her father. He also had a visible line of tears that had clouded his eyes. Arika knew what he would have been feeling at that very moment.

Things which her mother had felt when he had cheated on her. Her father was feeling the same things.

Arika felt messed up in her head. She really wanted to stay away from all these negativities.

Just now, she and Abhimanyu were spending such sweet time and now, this mess. And that was all because of that one lady. She had been the one who had spoiled her whole life.

Everything was a mess. She had messed it up.

Right from her childhood to her adulthood, the lady had ruined everything and now that it was Arika's turn, she would make sure that she would return the favor.

And she would make sure that she does not pardon her. 

"What all is left for me to uncover Daamini. Please tell me now only." Damodar said, in a low voice. But all the people standing there could hear it well.

Daamini looked back . She was standing in between her now husband and her son. Both had tears in their eyes. Tears that were the cause of her betrayals and innumerable lies.

She ran a hand on her face as a face frustrated. Everything seemed to be slipping off her grip.

It felt like the hard work she had done, the number of lies she had spoked, the webs she had woven were all going in vain.

On one hand, her first born, whom she had left with his dad years ago was here in front of her, hugging her biggest enemy, Arika.

And on the other hand was her now husband who knew almost 80% of the stuff she had done all through years.

Abhimanyu had been constantly rubbing Dev's back as his tears started to subside. He knew he had to be strong.

Although , he was alone, he would not let his father feel that he had grown up to be a weak person.

He was a strong man. And he would prove it.

Daamini saw Dev standing up , with the support of Abhimanyu and ran towards him.

"Dev please listen Beta. You do not know what the conditions at that time were. We did not have enough money beta. Please. I....... I did all of this for you my child. For our future." she said trying to justify her acts pathetically.

"Are you saying that you left me and never ever returned for my future. Or are you trying to justify cheating on my dad. " Dev asked in a low voice.

"You know, that man never married again. He was so in love with you. But he could not handle your betrayal. That was what pushed him towards his death. You! You pushed him towards his death. You are the reason of miseries of so many people."

"I Dev Oberoi disown you today. And remember, you would never have me in the form of a son ever. In the name of family, I just have a sister who has stood by my side in my hard times." Dev said pointing towards Arika.

"You have us as well." a sweet voice said and Dev smiled a little looking at Deepti who was showing all her 32 teeth.

"That is right. We are your family. You must never feel that you do not have a family dev. You are my brother." Abhimanyu said and pulled him in a man hug.

"Ya! Even I would take you as my grand son. But you have to promise that you would not first with my wife. Come on child. Find one of your own. Leave my wife alone." Jai Shankar said as he hugged Anamika who slapped his hands reminding him of the seriousness of the situation.

Daamini looked at the family joking around as if nothing had happened. As if all her relations were not at stake. 

Shanaya also looked sad. Her new found brother did not even spare her a glance. 

She walked towards him and patted the side of his hand. 

Dev looked at the other side and found a girl, standing with a poker face.

"Hi!" she said . Dev looked at her lowering her eyes as she was short as compared to him.

"I know that I was not there with you when........ Arika was. But I need you to know that even I would love to be there for you anytime you need me." Shanaya said, trying to act all warm.

She knew that she would have to take time, trying to care of the man. She had a big brother and she would not like to leave the opportunity of having her first genuine relationship.







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