Chapter 6: Reveal

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BTW if anyone wants to make fanart of what I'm creating, I'm fine with it as long as it is credited to me and this book. I have no clue how to draw or animate so I would love to see it if you've created some. Just give me a head's up if you do! Please don't sell my characters or do adopts on them. They are still mine, well Kiara anyway. Also this is a really long chapter. I keep making my chapters longer, really have to do something about that. 

Kiara POV


Winger was glowing an electric blue. The stripes along his legs and tail were changing color into a dark blue fading into lighter shades of blue. His underside was changing into a light blue and his claws grew longer and sharper, but he wasn't waking up. Dak and Layla gasped simultaneously and I backed away. Were they going to blame me? Hurt me? The other dragons came and stared as Winger started glowing brighter.

Winger POV


I groaned, everything hurt. I opened my eyes and I was inside, on my nest with everyone staring at me. Last thing I remembered was the lightning and. "Is Kiara okay?" "I'm fine, you should worry about yourself" I turned to see her unharmed, except for the bandages. I felt relieved that she wasn't hurt. The rest of my memories came back, the conversation we had and the truth. I stood up, the pain leaving rapidly and I felt like I just ate my fill of fish. I felt energized and renewed. "Winger" said Summer, "You're glowing" I looked down. I was glowing. I started to frantically check the rest of my body. "I, What happened?" "You were struck by lightning directly" The answer came from Kiara. "It's nearly impossible to survive a direct blast", muttered Layla, "unless that's just part of you but swiftwings can't. Yes! Here it is. Apparently sometimes a swiftwing can gain control of lightning but I don't have anything else about it." "Um. I think I know what this is but there's a reason why you don't know" We all looked at Kiara and she almost seemed shy.

Kiara POV


I can't believe I just said that. I double checked every piece of information in my head and everything clicked. But what about Dak and Layla? It's fine, they're different and I trust them. They were raised by a swiftwing after all. "Winger" I looked directly at him, "You're the swiftwing alpha".

Winger POV


Alpha! What! How? When? "How?" "Usually it's passed down from parent to child. You only become alpha when something you do happens. And it has to be noble or good" Kiara said. Everyone was looking at her. "Why was there a reason we didn't know?" asked Summer. "Only select dragons are allowed to know about alphas and everything". "So you're one of the select dragons" asked Cutter. "Yes", answered Kiara, "I am". "Why doesn't everybody know?" asked Aggro. "If the wrong dragons or humans know it could put the entire species at risk and Layla please don't write this information down. I mean it" "Ok" said Layla putting down her pencil. Dak said, yawning, "Why don't we sleep then we talk cause I am exhausted". Everyone agreed and we separated, my mind still whirling with thoughts as I tried to sleep. Aggro looked at Kiara hopefully and asked, "Can you tell a story?". "Sure, now listen up for this tale begins far away, beyond where the strongest ship can sail in the land of the dragons". I snuggled deeper in my nest as Kiara whisked us away to the land of stories. I fell asleep and dreamed. A giant storm whirled around us and my friends were trapped inside. Giant boulders blocked the way and they were screaming, "Help us! You're an alpha! Use your powers!" Then the slinkwings came and growled at me, "You'll never be good enough. You will fail when it matters most. You are no alpha". "Winger" I heard Kiara scream as the boulders fell away to reveal my friends dead. Gone. I went to each one to see if maybe but no they were dead. Mom appeared and hissed, "This is all your fault". I woke up with my heart pounding and I had to tell myself. It's just a dream, it's just a dream. An actual storm raged on outside and I walked to the end of the cave in an area called Dragon's mouth. Why, because it looks like a dragon mouth. Winger means at the edge of the roost, facing away from Huttsgalore is this cave area that I'll assume connects to the sleeping cave. They fly out of it in the intro if you pay attention. As I rounded the corner, I found someone else there looking at the storm sadly. Kiara.

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