Chapter 1: A New Dragon

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A/N Some chapters will be shorter and some longer. I will update randomly. I just hope this isn't a huge mistake. Press Publish. Too late now. It will be boring at first, just hang with me.

Winger POV

Sleep cave

I yawned and stretched my wings. Last night's fishing trip was our longest ever. It's time for breakfast anyway and if I want to eat any of the good fish, I'd better start before Cutter and Burple. Those two could eat a sleep cave full of fish and still be hungry. I walked outside to the crisp air and looked into the fish barrel to find it empty. That barrel was overflowing last night. Maybe burple had a midnight snack or feast because all the barrels were empty. That was a month's worth of fish, I'd just hoped Elbone had extra fish left over.

Kiara POV

Some bush near the lighthouse

I feel bad about taking all their fish, but I hadn't eaten for a week. After this scratch heals I'll repay the fish I stole. I can't shift without making the scratch worse and I need to shift to survive. My scratch was on my wing so I can't fly or hunt. I have to be more careful and not let myself get hurt again. I better go, they'll find me if I stay. I ran off into the woods but not without making the bush, I was hiding in rustle.

Winger POV


I snapped my head toward the sound and saw the most beautiful blue purple eyes, someone was there, maybe our fish thief. I ran toward the sound, nothing, whoever was there is long gone now. I probably scared them by running toward whoever was in that bush, Dak is starting to rub off on me. Burple came out of the sleep cave with Cutter and Aggro. I ran toward a half asleep Burple and asked, "Did you eat all the fish because if you didn't then where is our fish?". "All our fish is gone!", cried Burple, he looked close to crying or getting miffed. "Our fish is gone, whoever did it is going to pay!" snarled Aggro. "Yeah we spent half the night getting that fish!" said Cutter. At least they seemed more awake. "I can hardly be awesome without my awesome sleep," said Cutter, looking very serious. "Like you're awesome at all" muttered Aggro looking grumpier by the second. "What's going on?" yawned Layla, one of the two humans who lives with us. "Yeah" said Dak, the other human who lives with us, "You woke us up". "Sorry", I said, "But all our fish are gone". " All our fish are gone," said Summer, looking shocked. "See for yourself" and waved my tail toward the empty barrels. "Not one fish left".

Kiara POV

1 hour later, 50 feet above some part of the ocean

My scratch was feeling better and I can shift again! It feels good to fly, I dived in the ocean, shifting into a fastfin, and even better to hunt for myself.  I love shifting and changing into different dragons. I'd better hunt and return my stolen fish. I started to shift but stopped when a shadow fell over me, a ship. I dived deeper, my past replaying in my eyes, getting captured, her head, escaping, months of mourning. My pain rising up again, my memories whirling. I got a grip of myself before I got lost in my pain. It could just be a human going somewhere or a fishing boat, but what was a boat doing all the way out here? I swam up and peeked my head above the water. It was a fishing boat with torn sails, and looked like it got caught in a strong storm. I cautiously boarded the ship, a human was sleeping with a rock, a shell and a crystal with him. Weird, who knows what humans will do next? The ship began to turn, I flew up to see what was going on. Whirlpool! It was massive and everything around it was being sucked in. I dived and shifted into the only dragon that could survive that massive whirlpool. A Bewilderbeast.

Winger POV

Flying toward Huttsgalore

"That storm last night really did some damage to the town," commented Layla. There were fallen trees everywhere and more than a few houses had holes in it. I started lifting trees with Summer while Cutter was cutting them up to replace the holes in the roof. "Thank goodness you're here Rescue Riders" said Chief Duggard, "Elbone is missing and his boat isn't at the dock". " We're on it Chief" said Layla, "Winger, Summer and I will look for Elbone while the rest of you stay here to help the town". Everyone nodded as Summer and I took to the air.

Kiara POV

In the ocean beside a boat.

I used my horns to guide the ship and began to swim with all the might the alpha had. I barely made it out with the boat intact. The human woke up and began shouting about a Rocky, a Shelly and a Crystal. Humans. I shifted myself smaller but just big enough to push the boat. My horns snuggly holding the ship. I was getting near to the dock when I sprayed water up. I shifted into a swiftwing and flew away as fast as I could.

Winger POV

In the air near Elbone's boat

Water flared up a few feet away from me and I barrel rolled to avoid it. A flash of blue caught my eye as Summer cried, "Here's Elbone!". I looked down, Elbone's boat was right here with torn sails and no anchor. We landed and Layla asked, "What happened to your ship?". "Oh I was just out fishing when this huge storm came. Right Rocky.", said Elbone in his quirky voice as he nodded Rocky, his rock with a face on it. "The storm tore my sails and made Crystal barf all over the place. When the storm was done, I couldn't go anywhere so me, Crystal, Rocky and Shelly took a nap and when we woke up there was a giant dragon with huge horns pushing us away from the biggest whirlpool ever. Rocky was so scared. It kept pushing us here and then you guys found me" finished Elbone. "Okay horns, big enough to push a ship, I can't find any dragon like that in my dragon diary." "Come on Layla, we better get Elbone back to Huttsgalore" I said, flying up to push the mast of the ship. Layla got onto Summer and Summer started pushing the boat from the back. We got to the dock and finished cleaning up the town. Since Elbone brought home no fish, it was time for another long fishing trip.

Kiara POV

In the ocean

I was fishing as a hybrid of a rockspitter for the space and a fastfin for the underwater pluses. I needed to get enough fish to repay and a little extra as a sorry I took your fish. After that it's about time I leave this area, I've seen if the humans were hurting the dragons and snap caught a huge rainbow cod. It was like it didn't see me. Swish, that is a lot of fish. They look like they are fleeing from something or someone.

Winger POV

In a giant underwater cave that's breathable with a giant scary dragon that has my friends tied up in it's tails

I growled and shot a power blast. He let out a deeper growl and shot his sonic boom. It headed straight for me till yank, a tail dragged me backward. Two Sonic deep dwellers, the second one let me go and began attacking the one holding everyone else. I snuck around the dragons and started shooting power blasts at the tails holding my friends. They dropped to the cave floor, I made sure they were okay. "Go!" growled the Sonic deep dweller that saved us, the other dragon bit her wing and scratched her leg. "Now!" We left in a hurry, but at the entrance, I paused and looked at the battle. She was winning and looked at me with her blue purple eyes.

Kiara POV

A giant underwater cave during a battle

I knocked his head and he surrendered. My scratch on my foreleg was bleeding badly, I needed to get to the surface. I left and began to swim, I held my injured wing close and began to swim. The blood circled around me, I swam through and broke the surface of the water. Only can make one shift, Swiftwing. I shifted as my head faded to black.

Winger POV

A few days after the battle, sleep cave

I woke up with the same thought in my head that has been there for the last two days. Why had that dragon helped us? I shook my head and decided to go on an early morning flight. The ocean glittered underneath me with the early light. I snapped my wings, caught a tail wind and really began to fly. The world began to blur till it was just me speeding along the sky. I slowed down and spotted a nearby beach. There was a dragon on it, blue against the golden sand. It was a Swiftwing and female.

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