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Michael's Pov

He doesn't remember most of his childhood...

All he remembers is that he killed his sister on Halloween night. Then he got put away into a mental asylum for years until he broke out yesterday. His main objective as of right now is to find his sister. So far he's killed some of her friends so he's closer to getting to her. He'll find her soon enough.

He feels like he was supposed to look for someone else too... That can wait. But what if it's important? Also what happened back there in that house? I had them but I walked away. What's wrong with me?

He was walking in the shadows when he looked up to see how close he was to his house. Maybe some clues are hidden there? Something to help him remember. He decides to take a detour from his mission and visits his childhood home again.

The walls are dusty and the place is near collapse. Cobwebs occupy the corners of each room filling the house with a stronger feeling of abandonment. He makes his way up to his room and lets out a long sigh feeling nostalgic. The room was bare and his items were all gone. He decided to do a quick sweep just in case.

Feeling the corners of the wall he gives them a light push as well as a tug to the floor. This was a waste of time... Before leaving he decides to give one last tug and... it opens. A little compartment on the floor is revealed with random treasured items. He was very protective of his stuff.

Inside contained dead flowers and a white mask with pastel paint. He dropped everything in his hands to take a close look at the mask. His fingers gently caressed the smooth surface. It was too small for him now. His heart began to ache a little bit. He felt like he was so close to figuring it out. It was... it was made by.... The first letter of your name pops into his head but before he can solve the rest he hears people talking outside.


You and Michael sit near the bushes during recess. "Michael, why do you always sit over here? Can't we go to the bench? I feel an ant crawling up my leg." Michael doesn't respond nor does he move. "Please? I'll bring you a snack tomorrow." He immediately stands up and follows you to the bench.

He sits on the end and you sit right next to him. He looks around and seems nervous. The other kids take a glance before continuing to play. His eyes watch the other kids as they chase each other around the playground.

"If you feel uncomfortable we can go back. I'll still bring you the snack." He shakes his head and pokes his finger through the holes in the table. "I never knew you went to this school before finding you by accident. Why are you never in class?" Michael just shrugs his shoulders and kicks at the dirt. Skipper... He heard you mumble that and rolls his eyes in response.

He continues to mess with the bench and then looks at the other students. Everyone is in their own world, consumed by their individual form of play. You begin to tell him what you know about everyone and he listens quietly. You end up going on a rant about some of them and then the teachers and then class and then the list keeps going. The conversation ends with fictional characters you would personally fight.

He stared at you blankly not knowing any of the shows or books you mentioned. He was more focused on how passionate you seemed about certain topics. Although he'd never admit it he liked the way your eyes lit up when you were excited. The way you would fidget with your hands.

When you would laugh his chest started feeling fuzzy and he didn't understand why. Or maybe he did but just wouldn't admit it to himself. He was sure your smile would be just as pretty. When he first met you he didn't know what to think but after getting to know you, you grew on him. He began looking forward to seeing you. He hated when you had to leave for class. He just wanted to be with you all the time. To hear your voice.

𝑻𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒕 (𝑴𝒊𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒆𝒍 𝑴𝒚𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒙 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓)Where stories live. Discover now