13 ~ Cheater ?

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It felt like a never-ending cycle - another week passed, and still, no word from Lannox. But I pushed those thoughts aside as I excitedly prepared to meet up with the girls. I had already told my parents about my plans to go to Singapore, and I quickly packed my bags. The upcoming grand prix was going to be in Singapore, and since Hannah lived there, we decided to stay with her for a few weeks before the big event.

I saw this as the perfect opportunity to surprise Lannox. As soon as I arrived at the airport in Singapore, I couldn't wait any longer. I dialed his number and waited anxiously as the phone rang several times before he finally picked up.

"Hey, sorry, did I bother you?" I asked when he answered, trying not to sound too eager.

"No, not at all," he reassured me.

"I'm in Singapore. My friends are taking me to the grand prix. You'll be there, right?" I asked with excitement.

He hesitated for a moment. "Yes..." he replied.

Seizing the moment, I suggested, "Great! Do you wanna maybe watch it together?"

He hesitated again before suddenly saying, "No, no! I uhm... I'm going with some friends too, and you can just watch with your friends."

His response left me confused. "Oh... I just thought-" I began to explain, but then I heard a commotion from his end of the line.

"Lan!-" I heard a female voice call out, and he quickly shushed her. Curiosity got the better of me, and I couldn't help but ask, "Who was that?"

He replied in a hurry, "Uhm, work. Colleague. I gotta go. I'll arrive in Singapore next week, we can hang out before the grand prix. Bye!"

With that, he abruptly ended the call, leaving me confused. But I brushed it off as I got into an Uber and headed to Hannah's house, eager to share about Lannox to them.

I pressed the doorbell, and it swung open, revealing Hannah and the rest of the girls. "Took you long enough!" they chimed in unison, welcoming me with a big group hug. "Ugh, I've missed all of you guys!" Maya exclaimed, and we all nodded in agreement. After exchanging pleasantries, we headed inside.

The girls helped me settle my bags in one of the guest rooms, and we all gathered back in the cozy living room. Hannah excused herself for a moment but returned with a tray loaded with chips, chocolates, drinks, and more. "I got some snacks!" she announced gleefully. We cheered with excitement, each of us grabbing something from the tray and eagerly opening it.

"Alright, let's play a game before we get into anything else. Spin the bottle, spill the tea," Maddison suggested with a mischievous grin. "Oh, my favorite game," Maya chimed in, excitedly agreeing. I picked up a bottle from the snack tray as we all gathered in a circle, placing it in the center. The game was simple - whoever the bottle pointed to would spill the tea and share about their holiday. I gave the bottle a spin, and it landed on Valentina.

She smirked playfully before starting her tale, "Okay, so... I received a surprise DM from a guy I've known for a long time, and we started talking. And, well, I'm kinda falling for him," she admitted, getting gasps from all of us. "Valentina!" I exclaimed, "Tell us, who's this lucky guy?" I asked with a teasing grin.

She shook her head playfully, wearing a secretive smile. "I'll never say," she teased back, leaving us all groaning in disappointment. Nevertheless, we leaned in eagerly as she continued sharing her story with her family and even participating in a fashion show back in Paris, showcasing her incredible designs.

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