8 ~ Lando's POV

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I was waiting impatiently for George to finally come downstairs to the lobby where Daniel, Alex, and I were gathering. We planned to go together to the other hotel where some of the other drivers were staying. The Haas drivers had already left with Logan and Lewis, so now we were stuck waiting for George. I was bored out of my mind when suddenly, I noticed someone dash past me. My gaze instinctively followed her, and that's when I saw something drop from her bag.

Without thinking twice, I hurriedly picked up the item and chased after her. "Excuse me!" I called out, and she stopped in her tracks, turning around. Oh my god. My heart started racing. She was the most stunning girl I had ever laid eyes on. Her wavy hair fell perfectly over her shoulders, her dark eyes and sun-kissed skin adding to her beauty. She interrupted my thoughts, "Sorry, do I know you?" She asked, looking slightly nervous and glancing out through the lobby's giant glass windows.

Why am I nervous? Should I be nervous? I couldn't control the words that started tumbling out of my mouth. "You should, but-" I began, but quickly held myself back. Lando, shut up.

She turned to look at me again, our eyes locking. "Sorry, what?" she interjected, clearly taken aback by my previous statement. I messed up. Oh my god. Say something, Lando. "Uh, no, I mean... you... I mean, you dropped this," I stammered, extending the wallet towards her. Please don't think I'm weird.

"Oh my god!" she exclaimed, swiftly patting the pockets of her jean shorts. "Thank you so much!" she said, taking the wallet from my hands and promptly stashing it away in her bag before rushing off. I couldn't help but stand there frozen. "You're welcome..." I mumbled, even though she had already left. I kept watching her as she joined a group of girls, probably her friends.

With a wide grin on my face, I made my way back to my own group of friends. "What are you smiling about?" George asked as we walked out of the lobby. "Alex, did you see the girl who ran past us?" I asked, and he nodded. "I returned the wallet she dropped, and oh my god, she was so beautiful. I hope I get to see her again," I confessed, earning puzzled looks from the boys. "Aww, Lando's got his first crush?" Daniel teased, wearing a wide grin and slinging his arm around my shoulder. "Shut up," I snapped, gritting my teeth.


As much as I wanted to enjoy Miami's nightlife, I knew I had to stay focused during race week. So, I decided to head down to the hotel's giant pool and take a swim. I took a break by the side of the pool when I spotted her. Wallet girl. I don't think she noticed me, but I definitely noticed her. I watched as she excitedly walked towards a chair, untied her pink floral robe, and slipped it off - my mind traveling a bit. Suddenly, I realized that I had been staring at her quite inappropriately and quickly snapped out of it, submerging myself underwater to avoid getting caught and to get my act together.

I continued with my laps, but a funny and terrible idea crossed my mind. What if I 'accidentally' bumped into her? I mean, that could work... right? Timing it perfectly, just as she started picking up her pace, I swam in her direction.

"I'm so sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going, and the pool is quite dark-" Her words trailed off as our eyes met. Those eyes... almost black under the starry night and the dimly lit pool. Her hair, damp and straight from the water. I noticed her gaze involuntarily drift downward, and I couldn't help but continue staring at her flawless face. I snapped myself back to reality, wanting to say something, but the words failed to come out.

"I am so sorry," she murmured, offering a slight bow before swiftly swimming away. "I-" I just stood there, frozen, as she moved further away. Why do I keep messing up?

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