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Eli's POV

"Can we go see our son?" I asked Knox.

Few hours has passed when he broke down and we haven't talked about what we are going to do next.

"No, you're still so weak baby. I'm afraid that you will hurt yourself when you exert in vigorous activities." he seriously said. I laughed.

"I'm fine now, and the doctor said that we could use a wheel chair! C'mon, don't be a bore." 

He pondered for a few seconds before reluctantly agreeing. He pushed me until we arrived at the ICU. I peeked in the big glass trying to guess which one was our child until my eyes landed on the baby with many tubes connected to him.

"I-is that our bean?" I teared up. I'm such a bad mother, I should've taken of myself better. If I did that maybe he wasn't there with tubes poking on his skin.

"Yes baby, the doctor said that we should stay here for at least a week so that they can observe both of you and see if there is still complications since you gave birth a little early." He stated behind me. 

"I'm such a bad mother," I sobbed. He turned the wheelchair so that I was facing him and he kneeled down so we were face to face. He held my face in his hands.

"Hey, I don't want you calling yourself a bad mother, you're the complete opposite. If there is anyone to blame, it should be me, I shouldn't have pushed you like that. He's gonna make it because he's just a s strong as you yeah?" he soothed my running emotions. 

"Yeah," I agreed. We watched our bean squirm around that little box.

After spending sometime in there, we went back to the room.

"I'm gonna go get some food," he said.

"W-wait Knox," I called out.

"Yeah? You want something?"

"N-no, but can we talk first?" He froze for a second and then smiled.

"Let's talk over dinner." I saw something flash in his eyes. Fear? idk

I need to end this. I love him but I don't know if he really loves me like how I love him. I have a kid now, I should be strong for him. We could co-parent and there are many options in making him involved in our baby's life.

Knox's POV

I purposely went to buy food on the farthest restaurant because I was too scared to go back in the hospital. That look and tone of hers I can already identify what our topic was and I'm slowly losing my strength to fight. I don't want to give up but seeing her in that state, maybe letting go of her is the best option.

An hour later I went back to the hospital, after organizing my thoughts and readying myself for what was going to happen.

"Hey, you hungry?" Those were the first words that I said to Eli when I got in to the room, trying to sound lively.

"Yeah,  where'd you go? I thought you just went to the hospital canteen"

"Nah, hospital food is boring." I arranged our dinner and we ate in total silence.



We spoke simultaneously. I laughed,

"You go first,"

She played with her fingers, a thing that she usually does when she's nervous.

"I have thought of all the options that we could do and the best one so far is co-parenting. You could visit the baby anytime and when your in town because I have no intention of leaving this town." she started.

"Eli, is this really the best solution that you thought? Give me one last chance Eli, and I'm planning to move here when our house gets finished."

When I found her, I thought of building a home closer to her work so that she can still see her friends and I could work from home while caring for the both of them.

"W-what house?" she asked, confused.

"Eli, I've told you that I'm going to win you back again right? Wherever you are is home to me baby, our house is being constructed near your work place and the city. It may take a year to be fully finished but I can stay in the hotel so that I could take care of you and our baby." She looked troubled.

"You don't have to do all this Knox-"

"Damn right I don't but I want to Eli, I want to fix what I have destroyed. I'm not forcing you or anything but I just want you to know that I'm here for you and for our baby." I told her.

"Fine. But don't expect anything from me." She crossed her arm and pouted, something she does when she's annoyed. I laughed, so cute.

My baby momma.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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