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Elina's POV

I woke up with a screaming bladder. 

"My gosh bean, go easy on your mommy." I softly said while rubbing on my stomach and unsurprisingly enough it kicked. The baby kicking is not painful but uncomfortable. After releasing my bladder I grabbed my toothbrush and my strawberry favored toothpaste. Yeah, I can't stand anything spicy.

After doing all my morning routine's I headed to make myself breakfast. I heard my phone vibrate so I went to check.

'Good morning love'- ******unknown.

The heck? Why am I surprised when he got my number? Honestly I'm shaken up with him here. Back then I dreamt of him coming then apologizing then we would be a happy family again but now, I have so much to lose if I go with him again. I don't even know why he's here.

Did he discover the truth? Or did he found out the baby and wanted custody? I don't know which is which that's why I'm anxious but let's just see.

I ate my breakfast as usual and went to the cafe. As soon as I got there, an awfully familiar car was parked across it. I just ignore it and started to work. I swept, wiped the dishes and as I was doing these, the door opened.

"Hi, we're still clo-" I looked up and saw him who shall not be named.

"H-hi Elina" did he just stutter? Knox, stuttering? huh

"We're still closed sir, come back later." I said professionally.

"Love, the doctor said that you shouldn't overwork yourself like this." he stated. 

"I don't think your opinion is needed here sir. I am a single mother working to provide a nice life for my unborn child. Please leave before I call the police for trespassing." I looked at him dead straight in the eyes to show that I wasn't afraid, but at the same time, I'm scared.

I knew what he could do, I've seen them and if he treats me like a business to handle, I'm screwed.

"Elina I know your mad but please listen to me-"

"Good morning Eli, who's this gentleman here?" I felt a sense of release when Sheila entered the cafe. She looked at Knox and stared at me suspiciously.

"Oh he's just a costumer Sheila,  he came a little too early, didn't you sir?" I pushed him until we were out of the cafe.

"Please Knox, quit bothering me." I pleaded.

"Love, I have so many things to tell you. Will you have dinner with me?" His eyes looked so hopeful. I've never seen him act like this before.

"My work ends at 5pm, meet me at the city." I said.

"No, I'll come pick you-"

"At the city, I don't want my friends to know that you and I are somewhat acquainted." He looked hurt at my response but can you blame me? I don't even know what were going to talk about but yeah.

"Okay fine, I'll see you later." He leaned in and in reflex I obviously stepped back. The fuck was he planning to do?

He looked sad when I avoided his touch but can you blame me, I'm just letting my guard up.

Hours passed by like a blur and my shift ended a lot earlier which I was dreading because I am scheduled to meet him. He keeps sending me hourly messages about what he was doing and I'm so close to blocking his number but well I'm meeting him so there will be no mode of communication if I block him.

*New message

It's obviously from him.

'Hey love, it's almost five, are you done? I can pick you up if there's no bus.'

I was actually standing for five minutes here at the bus stop and my feet is killing me already, not to mention that bean is pressing on my bladder so hard I want to pee.

'Yeah sure, I'm at the bus stop.' I curtly replied.

Not even a minute passed and I can already see his car from a distance, it felt like he was just waiting for my reply to come.

The car pulled in front of me and he got out of the driver's side. Is it just the two of us? where's his driver?

"Hi love," he said as he opened the door to the passenger's side.

I murmured a small hello and entered the car. As I got comfortable in sitting I noticed that he wasn't closing the door so I looked at him.

He was staring at me... at my bump. I was wearing a dress that fully traced my big belly so my bump was really showing, not to mention that I was 8 months pregnant so it's really big.

"What are you doing?" I caught his attention, his eyes met mine and I was so shocked to see tears. The hell is he playing?

"I- I'm sorry baby, c-can I touch our little baby?" he spluttered out. I slowly nodded and he immediately touched my belly which made me jump a little.

He circled is hands on my belly and I felt bean kick.

"Ow.." I winced. he immediately panicked.

"I-is he coming out now? Lets go to the hospital." he rambled. I giggled a little which caught him off guard.

"Relax, bean is just moving around." I said as I also touched my bump.

He looked in awe. He's just like a kid, I couldn't stop myself as I absentmindedly caressed his head.

When I got to my senses he was staring at me and I immediately took my hands off him.

"Let's go, I don't want to be home so late." 

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