13. rank up

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You look at ciel as you stand up while pick up the white bird off your knee and put them on your shoulder.

" let's get you registered in that guild."

You walk down the hill, back into the town, They followed you into the town.

The white wolf followed sebastian and nudging him while happily waging their tail.

Sebastian gave the wolf a harsh glance, his eyes red still slit before he looks back at the white bird on your shoulder.

You stop in front of a building before you turn to look at ciel and saying.

" this is it. I'll wait out here while you register."

" okay, let's go sebastian."

Ciel told sebastian, sebastian nodded before giving the white bird on your shoulder one last glance before following ciel into the building.

Elizabeth waved to ciel wishing him luck.

" while there doing that, let's go shopping!"

" okay, what do you want to look at first?"

" hmm. I want to see all the cute things here!"

You smiled at her words as you hold out your hand, she happily holds your hand before you start walking to the market.

There was shops and tents selling things.

You keep holding lizzie's hand and put the other on the white wolf. You ignore the glance from people at the wolf.

You and elizabeth stopped at a few tents that caught her interest.

She was looking at charms and dream catchers in a tent.

" there all so cute, I want all of them."

" you can't afford all of them."

" what do you mean?"

"  You could buy some of them but if you buy too many from this tent, you won't have enough for something else you might want in another."

" oh, okay."

You helped her pick out a charm and a small ocean blue dream catcher.

After a hours or two, you and elizabeth had been to most of the shops and tents.

Y'all were sitting on a bench by the fountain in town square.

You glance at the white wolf laying next to the bench.

" you need a name. Let's see."

You think about what to call the wolf.

" Frost."

Frost seems to like the name.

The white bird on your shoulder carefully hops down onto your arm before hopping onto your lap and looking up at you with their purple eyes.

" what to call you."

You think a bit while looking down at the bird in your lap.

" cloud."

Cloud chirp at you. At the same time ciel and sebastian walk over to the bench.

Elizabeth runs up to ciel tackling him into a hug before dragging him to the bench to show him the things that she got.

You look up at sebastian to ask him while elizabeth and ciel are talking about the shops and things that she got.

" how did things go with registering?"

" my young master is registered and has already done some quests, he is iron rank."

" iron rank!? That quick."

" fufu. He wants to get to sapphire rank."

You were surprised, sapphire rank was the second highest rank in that guild.

Ciel looked at you before he asks you.

" y/n do you know about the other towns like this?"

" some. I'm in the merchants guild so I do trades and sell in other towns."

" I see. What have you heard about this, in the other towns."

Ciel says as he shows you a piece of paper with a symbol on it, the symbol of the magic user who can bring people back to life.

" oh. I have only heard rumours about them. They are rumored to be the strongest and that if they are ever seen, they always have on a mask and cloak."

You tell ciel as you pet frost.

Ciel nods before turning back to elizabeth.

Sebastian bends over a bit to move some of your hair behind your ear.

You look up at him a bit shocked, not noticing cloud hoping onto the arm of the bench you were sitting on before making there way back to your shoulder.

Sebastian closed his eyes and gave you a smile before he opens his eyes, you feel his gloved finger tracing over a light scar on your jawline.

Sebastian pulled his hand back when cloud bit his hand.

" are you okay?"

" yes. I'm quite alright, my dear."

You glance at the bird on your shoulder to see them giving sebastian a stank look.

Sebastian's eyes were slit while he looked down at the bird on your shoulder.

Ciel stands up and gestures for sebastian to follow him.

" let's go, sebastian. We have to finish this quest."

" yes, my lord."

' wait. What quest?'

A/n: thank you for reading.

I watched jujutsu kaisen with a friend and got hooked.  I watched the movie, season one, the latest episode of season 2 and then I read the manga.

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