12. care and conflict

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You reach into your bag and grab the pouch that had your gold coins inside.

" 13 gold for both the mutt and bird."

" fine."

The man smirks as he held out his hand for the money.

You put exactly 13 gold coins into his hand.

You opened the cage that the white wolf was in the cage guiding them out before you also opened the cage and got the bird out holding them in the palm of your hand.

You walk away a hand on the wolf's side guiding them to walk with you while you hold the bird in your hand.

You walk to the animal healer to get them a check ups and washed up.

You sat in the waiting room for a bit, the bird was the first one out.

" they're okay just a fractured wing. We gave them some medicine to help them heal."

The white bird had bandages around one of their wings while they lay on your shoulder under your hair with their eyes closed.

After a few more minutes the staff members brought out the white wolf all cleaned up with some bandages around them and a bandana around there neck.

" all cleaned up. They are not a great wolf, he is a demon hound."

Your eyes widened a bit surprised before you relax again.

" they are both dehydration and have malnutrition, so give them a lot of water and food and if anything else happens please bering them back."

" I will. Thank you."

After you thank the staff and tip, you walk around the other side of the market to get them cold water and something to eat.

You were sitting under some tree while the white wolf was quickly drinking water and eating some meat you had bought earlier along with some apples for the bird.

You sat in the shade of the trees with your new companions for a while before you hear elizabeth yelling as she ran up the hill to the tree.

" y/n! Hey!"

You smile as elizabeth ran up to you and hugged you with ciel and sebastian walk up the hill but stopped a few feet away from you and your new companions.

" y/n... where did you find them?"

" I bought them from the market for 13 gold."

You replied to ciel's question.

Sebastian and the bird were staring at each other down.

The air was so thick that you could cut it with scissors, so you decide to change the subject.

"  How was your registration as other worlders?"

" it was fine we each got 24 gold and they told us about somethings."

Lizzie says before ciel tells you.

" I think about joining a guild to investigate and portal the black and underground markets."

You nod understanding.

" you need to level up and become a higher rank to be able to get that kind of information."

You inform ciel before you show him your guild card.

" I'm in the merchants guild."

" what rank are you."

" I'm a gold rank. I make jewelry, stain glass windows and stuff like that and sell it here."

You tell ciel before you glance at sebastian who is being very quiet, his eyes were slit and blood red as he was staring down at the bird that was on your knee eating a apple.

The wolf was looking at sebastian and at the bird with his tail wagging.

A/n: Thank you for reading!
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What should we name them?



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