Chapter 12: The Start of Third Year

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Harry tried researching horcruxes, but could find absolutely nothing about them, so he gave it up as a lost cause. He trusted Sirius to keep him informed if necessary, and that was all he could do. The rest of Harry's summer was rather uneventful, although he caught Sirius looking at him with tears in his eyes a few times. Harry made sure to prank him extra hard on those days, and he soon cheered up. As much as Harry loved messing around all summer, he missed his friends and he missed Hogwarts, and so he was delighted when September 1st came around.

Harry was seated next to Remus, who was apparently teaching Defence for the year.

"Harry!" Hermione screeched as she entered the carriage and threw her arms around him. Harry patted her on the back awkwardly.

"Hey Hermione. Hey Ron!" he said, spotting the other boy over Hermione's shoulder. Ron grinned and waved back, throwing himself into a seat. It didn't take long for them to settle and begin sharing stories about their summer.

The sorting felt as if it was taking forever, and he joined Ron, for once, in groaning with joy when the food arrived at their tables.

"Bout time," Ron muttered around a mouthful of potato he'd picked up with his hands and jammed into his mouth. Globs of gravy ran down his face, and Harry couldn't look away, watching with morbid fascination at the amount of food he managed to consume within seconds.

"Ron! Mind your manners!" Hermione scolded. Several first years were also transfixed, and one particularly small girl looked as if she was about to faint.

BANG! The explosion drew the attention away from Ron. Seamus was grinning ear from ear, his eyebrows burnt to cinders and parts of his hair and uniform still flaming. He held up a goblet.

"Finally!" he cried, and took a swig.

"Mr Finnegan!" Professor McGonagall appeared behind him, and despite the scorched appearance Seamus still managed to pale. "What in the name of all things do you think you are doing?"

Seamus took another swig of his goblet before turning to face her. McGonagall's eyes narrowed as she inspected the cup clasped in his hand, and she swiped it up and away from him.

She took a sniff. The entire hall watched with bated breath.

"An excellent water to rum transfiguration," McGonagall allowed. Harry cheered, even as Hermione glared at him. "Unfortunately, consuming alcohol is illegal for minors. Twenty points from Gryffindor. Don't do it again." Seamus turned back to the table, a mischievous grin upon his face. Several upper year students were eying him contemplatively, and Harry used the following uproar as they tried to buy the spell from Seamus to slip away.

"About time, Master," Baneofallrodents hissed from her perch on his shoulders.

He raced towards Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, and opened the passage to the Chamber of Secrets with a hiss.

"Sally! It's Hassa and Baneofallrodents!" There was the faint sound of scales scraping on stone, and Sally poked her head out of the pipe, her second eyelids firmly shut.

There was a loud scream behind them. Harry turned, wand drawn. Malfoy had both hands clasped over his mouth, but it did nothing to diminish the girly shriek. His eyes rolled up into his head, and he collapsed into a dead faint. Harry poked him with his foot, but he didn't move at all.

"Oops!" Harry muttered, and levitated Malfoy out of the bathroom. "Forgot to lock the door," he realised. "Colloportus." He turned back to the basilisk.

"How was your hot season?" Sally asked.

"Fun and filled with lots of food. Did the elves bring you the snacks I asked them for?"

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