Chapter 3: Scandal!

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The headlines were rather impressive, that morning.





Sirius Black, renowned criminal and mass murderer, accused of the homicide of Peter Pettigrew and twelve muggles has been found innocent of all crimes! The handsome Lord of the Black family tells all in exclusive interview to this privileged reporter, me; Rita Skeeter! Black was also believed to be the Secret Keeper for the Fidelius Charm surrounding the Potter's house in 1981, and the one who betrayed them to You Know Who, resulting in their murder. (For more information on the Fidelius Charm turn to page 12.)

"It was that piece of vermin, Peter Pettigrew who was the real Secret Keeper! I was just a decoy." Black's stunning blue eyes fill with tears. "He betrayed my best friend and his wife. When I discovered they were dead I gave my godson, Harry Potter (the Boy Who Lived) into Hagrid's safe keeping, and chased after him." He pauses, shaking with emotion. "I found him, but he got the better of me, and blew up the street, yelling that it was me who had betrayed them." Black's eyes flash with righteous anger, and this reporter grips the edge of her seat in anticipation. "He then transformed into his animagus form, a rat, and disappeared into the sewers, and that was when the aurors found and arrested me."

A thrilling tale indeed!

Luckily for Black, Pettigrew, who had been masquerading as a pet rat for the eleven years while Black resided in Azkaban was found by none other than the Boy Who Lived: Harry Potter, who discovered that Pettigrew was an illegal animagus. Potter brought this to the attention of his Head of House, who brought said rat to the aurors. Our young hero strikes again for justice! Black has been freed, and Pettigrew imprisoned, to the relief of all.

One can't help but wonder how the Ministry could have failed so badly? What other injustices have occurred?

Black is currently residing in medical facility to aid his recovery from years of incarceration. A Wizengamot meeting will be held on the 14th to determine Pettigrew's sentence, and reparations for both Black and the Weasleys, with whom Pettigrew hid.

Currently under investigation is Bartemius Crouch, whom was responsible for Black's long stint in Azkaban without a trial. All post war trials are to be reviewed and evaluated. Questions are being raised about the competence of both the current and last administration.

"Who else may be residing in Azkaban without cause?" Lucius Malfoy asks. "Sirius Black is the Head of an Ancient and Noble House, yet he was tossed away as if he was trash. It is discomforting to consider that I could be in his very position."

Arthur Weasley, whose son Percy first owned the rat before it was passed onto Ronald, claims ignorance of the rat's true form. "It is very worrying that he's lived in my house all this time. I am very grateful to Mr Potter for discovering his deception."...

Harry glanced around. The Hall was hushed as each person read the paper. Those that didn't own their own copy were reading over other's shoulders. Percy looked like he was going to be sick, and the twins were comforting Ron, while Ginny... Ginny was absent. Harry frowned. He'd hardly seen her at all this year. Every time he did she seemed to be getting paler and paler.

"Baneofallrodents, would you mind keeping an eye on Ginny Weasley. The ginger one."

"There are many ginger ones."

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