21- Lucas

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"I don't know if I can do this," Rome pouts, eyeing the front of the class room suspiciously. She's exaggerating her fear as a joke, but she can't hide the waves of anxiety that are rolling from her body. She places her head on her desk and stares me in the eyes. Quieter this time, like a true confession, she continues, "Everyone will be watching and judging me. I don't think I can take it."

"I don't get it. You constantly place yourself in the center of attention. People are always watching and judging you." I nudge her arm, hoping to reason with her. Instead, she turns her face against the table, hiding from me.

"Thanks, that helps a lot." She whines.

"No, no, I mean you are always confident when in the spotlight normally, how is this any different?"

She considers this for a moment before sitting up, her worries slowly ebbing away as she chews on her bottom lip. "I guess it's because I know I'm good at performing. Every day I can put on an act and rely on my charm or looks to support me. But this?" She waves a hand in the direction of the rest of the students, annoyance in her eyes as she scoffs, both towards herself and to the teenagers eagerly awaiting someone to laugh at. "I know I have my flaws and I know what they are. Intelligence is one of them and it's going to stop me from looking half as sart or competent as you are."

She huffs out hot air, her insecurities shifting into frustration.

"Listen," I grab her hand, forcing her to look at me and hear my words for the truth that they are. "This isn't a competition. Neither of us will succeed if the other looks bad, that's not what this is. We are a team, and I will be right by your side to help you." I rub a gentle circle onto the back of her hand with my thumb. "If you are nervous or scared, rely on me. That's what I am here for."

A single shaky breath and then another one, accompanied by a small nod.

Two girls present first, setting the standards low for the rest of the class since I alone found three blatant lies in the presentation. I recognize one of the girls as Chloe after hearing Rome cheer for her at the end of the presentation.

We are nearing the last handful of students who need to present when our names are called, catching me by surprise. I can't imagine how Rome is feeling, with the pressure of the whole class on her, but I pray my presence near her helps in some way.

Striding to the front of the room, Rome begins our presentation perfectly, using a booming voice and convincing charisma while she introduces us and the background information for our topic. She rattles off main causes of World War One before switching over to me, showing no signs of nerves at all.

I read the next few slides, carrying a lot less theatrics than Rome does but delivering the information the same. There's a bit of passion in my voice as I recite the a story I know by heart, mixing with facts I found through our endless research. I send Rome an encouraging smile, telling her silently that she is dong good. She opens her mouth to continue the next group of slides, the most important and complicated information yet. It sounded like a good idea at the time to have her present these slides since she did the majority of the grueling research for it and deserved to showcase her hard work, but now I see the decision for the mistake that it was.

Anxiously flipping through flashcards, Rome stumbles over the word for a japanese location during World War Two. Quickly she recovers, moving on and sending a smile to the crowd watching us. She finishes her group of slides, a breath of relief passing through clenched teeth as she stares only at me, ignoring the eyes on us and focusing on my voice instead.

Bored faces watch me present my final bits of information rather than judgmental ones, and I asume Rome is as reassured by this as I am. I notice a small tremor shakes Rome's fingers, and I rush to finish the slideshow so she can sit down soon.

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