5- Rome

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I start drinking a little after that, happily welcoming the warmth that floods my body from its influence. Autumn joins me on the couch, which motivates others to sit as well, who all invite their friends, and without realizing it we have formed a whole group positioned beside us.

"I dare you... to do a handstand and chug your beer." I tell Emmette, whose jaw drops as he starts throwing excuses at me.

"That's not even possible. I'll choke. I can't do a handstand, let alone drink while doing one."

"Are you backing down? From a dare?" I tsk.

Begrudgingly he stands up and starts stretching for his handstand.

I pull Autumn from the floor by my feet up onto the couch, pushing others off to make more room for her. She giggles and cheers my drink, taking another sip of whatever rum mix she made for the night.

"He's hot! Do you like him?" Autumn stares at Emmette in a calculating way.

I shake my head, "don't get me wrong, he's nice, just not my type."

"Bummer." She gives him a final look before turning back to me. "Way better than Jason."

I laugh and rest my head on her shoulder. "Anyone is better than him."

"So pick anyone else." She flicks my head like it would restart my brain.

"I can't do that... I still love him. So much."

"I know, I know. I just hope that when you finally find someone who deserves you and loves you, you won't push them away. I'm worried you will be too scared to take the risk of loving them back."

Me too, Autumn. I close my eyes. Me too.

I take a deep breath, grateful for her presence as she waits for me to be ready to speak again.

"Anyways, Miss Ivy League, what colleges have you been looking at?"

She smiles and looks at the ceiling, the pride glows across her face. "I got into Harvard."

"Of course you did." I snort.

"I haven't told my parents." She told me, a little quieter than she was speaking before.

"Hey, look at me. Even they can't deny how amazing of an accomplishment that is. You fucking got into Harvard!"

She smiles, letting my words soak in.

"I'm so proud of you," I say genuinely.

"I know I know, thank you." She laughs but I can tell she hears how serious I am. "No fucking way..."

I turn around to see what surprised Autumn so much. Standing in the doorway, looking completely lost, is Lucas. He is wearing a button-up that fits so tight I stare a little too long to appreciate. At school, he has always worn baggy clothes that covered him, nothing that emphasized his lean body as his current outfit does. The dark colors brighten his light eyes as they search around the party scene cluelessly.

"That is the boy in all of my AP classes, who never speaks but is always at the top of the class. I never thought I would see him talking to people, let alone at a party!"

A blush spreads across my cheeks as I watch him stand against the wall, pretending to focus on something besides how socially awkward he is. Suddenly his eyes fall on mine and I watch him as his lips slowly form a small, tentative smile.

He looks good. Dressed up with messy hair, his smile almost makes my heart stop.

"Hey, I'll be right back," I mumble, keeping my eyes on Lucas.

Bad Influence - popular girl x nerd boyWhere stories live. Discover now