Floor 48

4 0 0

By: Shaw (Reddit)

I was pretty tight for cash, and yeah, slightly drunk too. I entered that old hotel building on a bet with my friend Tommy, for an amount of money I'm ashamed to even say.

The story goes, that back in 1958, the hotel owner, who worked day in and day out, and even resided there too, went completely insane believing he was stuck in some sort of time loop. He apparently went missing for 13 months, then his mangled body was found in the side alley of the hotel, after presumably diving out of the 26th floor stairwell window. His face was fairly disfigured from the injuries, but the coroners pictures showing his insane grin stretched fully across his face, gave all the detectives nightmares.

Since his death, there's been countless stories of ghost sightings, poltergeist happenings and even reports that several people went missing after staying in his executive suite on the 49th floor. It became something of an urban legend, even drawing in the customers, until it eventually closed and shut its doors in 1975 after a murder/suicide investigation plummeted sales and people just stopped going.

Now, I wasn't one to believe in all this ghostly shit or time loop bull, and perhaps the fact I was a non believer is actually the reason why I'm stuck in this mess. Emphasis on the word was, because, I'm a believer now.

"Okay, so, pretty simple, bud: enter the hotel via the stairwell fire door..."

"Which is already broken and open,"

"...Which is already broken and open, yes, thank you, climb the stairs all the way to the top, and take a selfie of yourself stood next to the 49th floor, sign, thingy... Simple." Tommy finished with a single clap of the hands and a closed lip grin.

"That's it?"

"That's it. And when you get back with the photographic proof, or even a video if ya want, I'll pay up." He tapped the left breast pocket of his jacket indicating his wallet and money was there.

It was the middle of the night, like 2 or 3 in the morning, I'm honestly not sure, pitch black, deathly quiet and completely lifeless streets. I wasn't scared, but lets just say basic human instinct took over (I can't stop smiling) and I suppose I gave the impression I was scared.

"So, where, erm... where are you gonna be? I mean, like, where are you gonna wait for me while I'm climbing these million stairs and apparently warding off evil spirits?" I thought I'd managed to hide it under the humor, but Tommy saw straight through me and a smug smile began to form in the corner of his mouth.

"Hey, man, if you don't wanna do it, or you need me to hold your hand, or want me to wait at the bottom of the stairs and keep shouting, 'Are you okay?' then the deal is off and no payment." Again, he finished with a closed lip grin.

I exhaled loudly for pissed off effect, slapped Tommy on the shoulder and proudly walked across the road towards the alleyway, alone. Before being engulfed by the shadows completely, I turned to look over my shoulder at Tommy, again, human instinct I think (I can't stop smiling), to see him attempting to keep his balance as he drunkenly slumps to the curb.

Okay, good. He's not going anywhere any time soon.

I continued into the shadows in search of the broken fire door that leads directly into the building. Rumor has it that some teenagers jimmied the door a couple of months ago and the police, or whoever's job it is, have never sealed it up again.

I was just getting my phone out of my pocket for a light source, when a loud and rusty creek from the right made my heart skip a beat or two.


A beam of light escaped through the narrow opening of the door. The fact that the hotel is abandoned and has absolutely no power didn't even enter my slightly intoxicated brain at the time, I was just glad for some light. I poked my fingers through and quickly pulled the door open. The light was pure and ultra bright, it took me a moment for my eyes to adjust and stop squinting. I walked through the threshold with a smile, after all, I was expecting complete darkness.

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