Why I Will Never Play The Ouiji Board Again

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By: Ross wild

This is why I will never play the Ouija board again. It was 1964 and my sister and I were 13 Year old identical twins. We were living with our mother in rural Scotland, parties were all the rage in the 60s and this night was one of those nights. The house we lived in was a three story building with the living quarters planned out on the top two floors. The ground floor of the residence was a gathering area for the village's communal meetings or various parties my mother occasionally hosted.

My sister and I were left upstairs for the night while our mother hosted her party. We could hear all the murmured voices pass compliments to one another, muffled by the floorboards between us. It wasn't long before voices became loud music and thuds, caused by what we considered to be dancing. My sister and I were bored to say the least. Our mother firmly told us to be quiet and behave for the duration of the night. My mother was strict but loving, so making her angry was the last thing we wanted to do. When we were good girls she made it a thing to make us aware of it by buying us gifts.

It had just celebrated our birthday a few weeks before and she had bought us a life sized doll. This thing was huge! It towered over my sister and I but we both loved it. It was around 6ft tall with long red, string like hair. It had a small stitched mouth and 2 round buttons for eyes. We kept the doll in the wardrobe, with it being too huge for the bed. My sister suggested we play with the doll, and as much as I wanted to I suggested we play something else.

At school all the girls were talking about playing an Ouija board, how amazing they are and what they can do. Once I heard about these boards I was hooked. I saved up my allowance over the weeks and bought one secretly to surprise my sister. This was the perfect time to reveal my surprise to my sister. So when my sister replied to my suggestion, "What shall we play?" I ran upstairs and pulled the board out from under my bed and ran back down.

I presented the board as they do for prizes on the TV game shows we watched with our mother on Thursday nights. At first my sister was dead against playing it, worried our mother will find out and be angry. It didn't take very long to persuade her to play and we soon cleared the table and set up the Ouija board. My sister and I placed our hands on the planchette and began to ask various questions inciting spirits to come forward.

The planchette moved! We looked at one another, both our faces straight and then we both giggled out loud. We knew we had moved it ourselves in an attempt to frighten one other. My sister suggested we turn out the lights, so we both jumped up and began to turn out all the lights in the house. "I'll grab some candles" I shouted to my sister "And I'll grab some of mums jewelry" My sister replied.

A few minutes later all the lights in the house were out and the candles we placed around the table were lit up. They cast an orange glow around the Ouija board, complimenting the mood.
My sister and I were now confident. We sat face to face at the table and placed our fingers on the planchette. The house was quiet and any sound that could be heard was that of muffled voices and music playing from downstairs.

With our hands on the planchette my sister and I began to ask the same set of questions we asked before and prepared for some sort of experience. We looked at one another and paused for a moment. Nothing happened! I felt so annoyed! My sister was visibly shook up and expressed her anxiety, "I want to stop Julie, something doesn't feel right" we both took our hands off the planchette without ending the session correctly. I remembered the girls at the school stating you should always end the session with an Ouija board.

I expressed my concerns and told her we need to finish the session correctly. It was too late, mother came rushing up stairs and seen us both by the table with an Ouija board out. She wasn't happy from the moment she walked in. I didn't know what had happened? We were quiet and she hadn't seen her jewelry on the table at this point. I can't remember what she was going on about but I noticed her white dress had been painted red. I remember asking her if I could come down and paint with everyone.

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