Chapter 22

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Word Count: 908

f/b/f = favorite/breakfast/food
f/f = favorite/flower
f/c = favorite/color


3rd Pov:
Y/n woke up from their nap a few hours later. They rub their eye with a yawn and stretch their arms. They look around the room to see it was empty.

"What?" they mumble, turning to look out the window. The sun was just now rising over the trees, clouds already moving to cover it. "Oh crap" they quickly reach for their phone to check the time. It was around 7:30am.

She goes to her contacts and calls her dad.

Ring Ring Ring


"Hey, dad. I'm sorry for not calling you last night. I fell asleep at the Cullens"

"Oh, it's fine. Carlisle called me last night to tell me. You alright though?"

Y/n nods their head "Yeah, I'm fine"

"Good, good. Well, I gotta head to work. But you call me if you need anything, okay?"

"I will. See you later"

"See you later"

Y/n hangs up the phone and flops onto the bed. They hear the bedroom door open and look up to see Jasper and Alice walking in. "Morning, sleepy head" Alice greets. Y/n smiles at them "Morning".

Alice walks into the closet as Jasper sits down next to Y/n. Alice then walks out with some clothes in her arms. "Here's an outfit for you. I think you'll like it". She gently places the clothes on the best and lays them out.

Y/n looked at the clothes and saw that they all fitted my style. "Thank you" Y/n looks at Alice. "No problem" she takes my hand and pulls me off the bed. "Now go get changed! You can go to the closet". Y/n chuckles and grabs the clothes "Okay, okay".

Y/n heads to the closet to change and go back out. "You look perfect!" Alice squeals, bouncing on her feet. "You look good, sweetheart" Jasper says. "Now, let's go get you something to eat. Esme made some breakfast".

"Sounds good. I just need to freshen up first. If thats alright?" Y/n replies. "Of course!" Alice says "Let me show you where the bathroom is". Alice grabs Y/ns hand and leads them to the bathroom. "There's some extra toothbrushes under the sink and I have some face care on third shelf". "Thank you" Y/n says. "No problem" Alice tells her, closing the bathroom door.

After a bit Y/n is finished and walks out the bathroom. The three of them then head downstairs. as they approach the kitchen they see Esme placing a plate of food on the table. "Good morning, Y/n" she greets with a grin. "Good morning" Y/n smiles.

"Come eat. I made you some food" she waves her hand for Y/n to come sit. Y/n walks to the table to sit down. "Thank you" Y/n tells her as she sits. "You're welcome" Esme says "If you need me just call". Y/n nods their head as Esme walks away.

"Thank you, Esme" Jasper tells her as he moves to sit next to Y/n, Alice doing the same. Y/n looks down at the plate to see their f/b/f. Y/n happily eats the food as Alice and Jasper patiently wait for her.

When's she's finished, Alice takes her plate to the sink. When Alice is out of sight, Jasper leans close to Y/n and quietly says "Alice has a surprise for you. She's been working on it for a bit". Y/n opens her mouth to reply before Alice interrupts.

"Don't tell them! It's a surprise" she says to Jasper as she quickly walks into the room. Jasper puts his hands up in mock surrender. "I wasn't going to" he smirks. Y/n laughs at the two and looks at Alice. "Is it alright if I see it?".

Alice beams with joy before clasping her hands together. "Yes! It's just right outside". Jasper and Y/n get up and follow Alice as she goes outside. They stop as they approach an area with different flowers, each their own color.

The ones that stood out the most to Y/n though were the f/f and even in her f/c. "It's beautiful" Y/n says in awe "I love it". "We hoped you would" Jasper tells her. "Rosalie helped us" Alice adds "She's the one with the green thumb".

"I'll have to thank her later" Y/n notes. She notices Jasper zoning out, it almost looked like he was in pain. Her brows pinch in worry and she places a hand on his arm "Jasper?". "He smells Bella" Alice explains. She approachs Jasper "You'll be okay, you won't hurt anyone".

Y/ns interlocks her fingers with Jaspers as an attempt to comfort him. They feel him softly squeeze her hand. "Let's go greet her" Alice suggest. Jasper and Y/n nod their heads in agreement as Alice laces her arm with Y/ns.

She leads the other two to a tree and removes her arm from Y/n. Suddenly,
Y/n feels Jasper pick them up and squeals in surprise. Jasper chuckles in amusement and smirks "Sorry darlin', didn't mean to worry you".

Y/n softly laughs and shakes their head "It's okay". With Jasper carrying Y/n, him and Alice head up the tree to go greet the human.


A/n: Hi! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I apologize for any grammer mistakes. Make sure to stay hydrated and to eat something <3! I hope you all have a good day/night 😊

P.S. Do you guys like 1st pov or 3rd pov better?

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