Chapter six.

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chapter six. the Orcas.

third person POV

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After leaving the AVC rink, Astrid headed back to the Hammarström rink to check in with her father and see how the game went today. Luckily for Kayla's sake, she was able to go on their little adventure due to someone else videoing the game for her. As she walked towards the arena's entrance, she could tell from the way the Hammer fans were exiting in glee that they had won the game which was a relief to Astrid. "SJ!" Astrid heard a voice from behind her causing her to turn around and see Sam running towards her with his arms opened wide.

Capturing the smaller boy into a quick hug, Astrid smiled at his older brother, Bear, who followed after him. "How'd the game go, Sam?" Astrid asked the younger teen as they pulled away from one another.

"It was great!"

"Really? How so?" Astrid questioned as she noticed Bear's head shake.

"Mac nearly scored a double hat trick," Sam admitted, bouncing up and down on his heels.

"Wh-what! Really?" Astrid gasped out in shock.

"You're just happy they weren't against you for once," Bear corrected his brother.

"Wait Bear, why don't you look happy about this almost double hat trick?" Astrid tilted her head to the side slightly as she wondered what happened during the game for Bear to have that type of reaction to something as good as a double hat trick.

"Mac got into some trouble with a few players and Anton today..."

"Oh," Astrid trailed off, worried about Mac and how he must be feeling.

"Got pulled from the game..."

"What! No, he didn't," Astrid gasped in disbelief.

"He did," Sam nodded his head to confirm his brother's story.

"He could use some cheering up," Bear informed the ash blonde, giving her a small look indicating that he knew she wanted to check in with him after hearing the shocking news. "We'll see you later, SJ."

"Get home safely and have a good night," Astrid informed the sibling duo before walking off in hopes to either find her dad so he could fill her in more on what happened with Mac or find the person that created more drama for the team.

"Oh hi there, sweetie," Jenny spoke up, coming up from behind the girl, gaining her attention.

"Hi, Mrs. MacBentley."

"Jenny, remember," the older woman smiled warmly at the young teen.

"Right, sorry," Astrid chuckled with the older woman.

"It's okay," Jenny shrugged it off, "Mac is waiting by the stairs if you wanna stop by and say hi to him before you head out."

"Okay, thank you," Astrid nodded her head before Jenny MacBentley left to get her car ready so that she could take her son home. "What's up, drama queen?" the Swedish girl teased the boy playfully as she made her way towards his direction. Mac let out a sigh, rubbing his hands over his face. "How bad did you mess up? It can't be that bad."

"Getting yanked from your first game," Nico taunted with a head shake as he came into view from behind Mac. "Classic."

"And how did you first game go, Nico?" Astrid defended Mac. Only the ash blonde could make joke like that towards the Canadian in her eyes- well except for his sister, Kayla. Nico glanced down at his shoes, not wanting to answer the question since it was an embarrassing response. "You threw up all over the ice after getting baby tapped by an opposing defensemen. You don't have room to talk." Mac bit his bottom lip, trying to keep himself from laughing at her snap back.

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