Open Mind-egg-ness

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When I get back to normal, could you show me how to do that?

Damian skillfully threw several birdarangs into a set of targets while doing a flip into the air. He landed gracefully and jumped back a bit to dodge another attack the simulation threw at him. He sweep kicked the hologram, dropping them to the floor. A loud voice called out "Level clear" from above. The young boy panted a little bit from the excursion and used his shirt to wipe the sweat from his face. "How to do what?" he muttered softly while keeping his mouth covered with the shirt. It had been a long while since had put in any kind of decent training.

THAT! All of that flipping and throwing! You were mid flip and still hit the bullseyes on those targets! I wanna know how to do that too.

The boy let his shirt drop as he smirked at the praise from the ghost. "I don't see why not. If you wish to be trained how to fight properly, I will not deny your request." Damian had seen some of the fights that Danny had been in throughout his small hero career. His technique had improved but it was obvious that the ghost had never received any formal training. That or the little bit of self-defense someone else taught him. Probably Danny's mother, if her athletic prowess was anything to go by. Despite attacking her son in almost every video she was in, she did display a level of aptitude when it came to fighting. So if Danny wanted to learn how to defend himself properly? Damian was more than willing to teach him. Maybe he could rope Richard in for the more graceful maneuvers. The ghost kid would probably like that and Richard would be ecstatic.

It was good to see the ghost in higher spirits after they invaded the GIW base. Danny had slept for about two days before he spoke up to Damian again. The massive amount of ice had drained him and Damian wondered if, maybe, there was some regression to the healing. There was no way for him to easily check and it wasn't like he had Constantine on speed dial. So to feel the ghost giddy and happy as he ran through his training routine was nice. It was a welcome change compared to the silence of those two days.

But it had been nice to have Danny asleep so that he could go through everything they had found with the rest of the family. Thankfully, all of the citizens were accounted for. Though some were in worse states than others. The woman they found on the table in the lab being the worst one by far. It seemed like they had found their base just in time before the experimentation could actually claim someone's life. That was a small amount of solace after everything that has been happening for the past few months.

Also with this bust hitting the news, the Justice League has brought about their case against the government agency and the laws that they were using to their benefit. The crimes they seemed to commit were endless. Human experimentation, terrorism, property damage, and so many more were listed. The Gothamites were, thankfully, mostly unharmed. There was trauma but that was going to be a thing regardless of what happened or not. To help push the GIW's downfall, Bruce even stepped forward as a socialite condemning the organization for kidnapping and experimenting on Gotham's people. Even coming up with a charity fund to aid those who were taken so that they could get the help they needed.

While his father was doing that, the children had been tasked with parsing through the mountain of information that Drake had obtained from the raid they had performed save for Jason, Dick, and Steph. They had been tasked with finding any other GIW bases that were hidden within Gotham and any nearby towns which turned out to be a lot more than they had anticipated. The GIW was like an infestation. Once they set up a base, they just spread.

Tim and Damian had spent most of the last couple of days finding horrific documents and videos that were nothing but unethical and illegal experimentation on innocent civilians. Thankfully, everyone would live but who knew how many had died in different cities or states. Their primary objective with the kidnappings was them trying to prove that ghosts were a problem. That they were malicious. But none of the people they had captured were ghosts... none in their current possession anyway. It would all be uncovered soon and it had created a solemn silence between the two boys as they worked. There was stuff so bad that Bruce had banned them from watching more and told them to redirect anything like that to the watchtower so that one of the Leaguers could review it. As vigilantes (and an ex-assassin), the two had seen many horrible things in their lives but even then there was a limit and, as a father, Bruce had put his foot down.

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