An Egg-aging Conversation

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There was only one time in his life that Damian had obtained true superpowers. It was when he had been revived after being killed by his clone, Heretic. The technology made by Apokolips in his body had given him temporary powers, and to say that he didn't abuse them was a lie. They didn't last long, but he had used them to the fullest in battle and for mundane things. His abilities had been similar to those of Jon and Clark. Both were more than happy to help the young bird with his fledgling abilities. Damian remembered racing through the skies with Jon and on the ground. They weren't as fast as the Flash, but they still covered a lot of ground in only a few seconds.

Though those superpowers had left him a long time ago (yet he believes a slight healing factor might have stayed. His wounds don't heal instantly, but they do heal faster than average.). However, with how quickly the two boys changed out of their uniforms, showered, and booked it upstairs to his bedroom, Damian was tempted to think they had returned. Ten minutes after they arrived at the cave, Damian was ushering Jon into his room and closing his bedroom door behind them.

The boy had to drag Jon away from the kitchen entrance because Duke was there. The half-Kryptonian waved to the meta as he was willingly dragged up the stairs by the collar of his shirt. Duke watched the curious scene with a raised brow and slowly waved back, not saying a word.

Jon situated himself on the end of Damian's bed. All of the sunshine and smiles turned serious. He knew Damian well enough that he wouldn't spring a sleepover out of nowhere without reason. It would have taken the super only a few minutes to get home despite how early it was. So he waited with a patient smile on his face as he watched Damian load up his laptop.

"There is so much I need to tell you, but we don't have much time." Damian started as he logged into his laptop and connected to the Batcomputer. He started looking through his files to try and find his location data and comm logs from last night. It wouldn't look weird for him to look it up since something strange happened. Investigating strange happenings while on a mission or patrol was just protocol. "To summarize, ghosts are real. Something bad happened about two years ago that caused the town of Amity Park, Illinois, to become the most haunted town in the US. Literally. Around that time, another ghost, Phantom, showed up and protected the people from ghosts who decided to attack the town. Did a pretty good job of it with the little bit of info I was able to dig up during my initial search. Also, your time flying back to Gotham was an hour and a half. Not bad."

He brought up the comm logs and hit play on them only to hear his family perfectly as they solved Riddler's puzzles. Only Robin's were affected. None of their words reached him, and the same went the opposite way. Garbled to the point that recovery was impossible. He also checked the footage that had been streamed to everyone's television. Tim had already downloaded the files, and from what he could see, Robin's and Superboy's feed was also messed up beyond repair.

Well, it was a start.

Damian could work with this.

"Nice! I beat my record since last time!" Jon fell back onto the bed with a loud 'fwump!' but Damian didn't even look his way. He was focused entirely on what he was doing on the computer. "Initial search? I'm surprised you haven't learned everything on the subject yet."

"Tt." Was Damian's response. The location data of the night was brought up next. He looked through everyone else's first before slowly going through his own. His location disappeared around the time the world seemed to freeze in place, and Cujo appeared. It didn't show up again until they were flying back home on the outskirts of Gotham, which was odd given the circumstances but not unheard of. Weirder things had scattered the bats throughout their home city. It wouldn't be the first time. "With everything happening with school, Penguin, my family being too nosy for their own good, and now Riddler, I haven't been able to do a proper investigation. All I have is the stuff I got from when I was at school, but the information on it was pentagon-level protected. Someone is regulating the data coming out of Amity Park. I just don't know who."

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