40 ∞ Gift and Curse

60 12 0

Day 00007 Mission Nilex

As soon as Ahmid's head slid into view in the shaft, Gareth stepped through the airlock door and continued walking. Beyond lay a short and wide hallway leading to double doors. He halted to wait for the Nilex leader, then turned back to the doors, swung them wide, and motioned for Ahmid to enter.

Ahmid stepped into the room and paused. Gareth pushed the doors closed behind them and waited as Ahmid looked around. Gareth knew the effect this room had on some people. The room's walls formed a vast hemisphere. The back wall they'd entered through was lined with traditional books of all shapes and sizes, the shelves curving around and forward.

Transparent metal lined the far half of the room, showcasing the panorama of stars outside. Canaisis' hull stretched away from the foot of the window, driving home just how big the ship was. She had turned on exterior lights to emphasize this point when they'd entered this level.

This room could easily seat fifty people, yet the view outside made it seem small. In the center, chairs surrounded a huge oval table, made of dark wood with metal inlays forming swirling patterns. The space encircling the center area hosted groups of chairs, couches, and tables, casually arranged.

Gareth stepped past Ahmid to a table off to the side of the central table. It accommodated small cups and a device for dispensing hot water. He glanced at Ahmid as he prepared tea for them both, noting that Ahmid was still taking it all in. He motioned for Ahmid to take a seat at the main table as he put the teacups on a tray.

Respectfully, Ahmid approached the table and sat near the narrow end, facing the view. Sitting opposite Ahmid, Gareth placed the tray between them and offered him a cup. Ahmid took the tea, but still didn't break the silence.

"This room is for diplomatic negotiations between two parties," Gareth said, after drinking a sip. "Sometimes, Canaisis and I find ourselves asked to be moderators."

Ahmid's brows lifted above the cup before he returned it to the table. "I didn't know moderation was needed on the colonies, Captain."

"At this point, no. The colonies you have are few and small in population. That will change in time."

"So you prepared this room for such times?"

"No, Ahmid. This is not Mankind's first attempt at expansion. This room was created long ago to serve a need at the time."

Ahmid sat back with a stunned look on his face, then glanced around the room again before returning to Gareth. "And the books? Are they also from the past? Have you read them?"

Gareth hadn't expected that question. His gaze wandered past Ahmid to the books lining the far wall, from floor to domed ceiling.

"I like books—they help pass the time. I've even written one or two. These here are mostly gifts or books acquired during Our travels. It's interesting that it's the simplest technology that survives the ages. It's the first to develop, and it's the last to fall. It's the simplicity that makes it utterly reliable." He sipped his tea.

"You have a unique perspective, Captain."

"It's your perspective that has my interest now, Ahmid. What's happening to Ayla?"

Ahmid lowered his head and sighed. "I don't know for certain, Captain. This has never lasted this long, that I know of."

"My question remains, Ahmid."

"I told you, I would answer your questions, Captain. But I have one of my own, first."

"And that is?"

CANAISIS ∞ Chronicle One: The Last Living Ship ∞ 1: A New MissionWhere stories live. Discover now