8 ∞ Countdown 14

170 29 15

Day 00001 Mission Nilex

Gareth approached the transport tubes. «Time to call it a day, I think. What time of day is it for the Nilex Corporation people, Canaisis?»

«They're on Earth's Greenwich time zone schedule,» Canaisis responded. «It's past two A.M. for them.»

«Thank you. Let's go have a last talk before I rest.» He stepped into the transport shaft.

«Aye, Captain.»

He strode into Hangar 2 again. The boatswain whistle sounded out, and Canaisis announced his presence. The group around the locker room doorway all dropped to their knees, heads bowed. He looked at them as he moved by them.

«This is very odd. I guess it's a cultural thing, but it unnerves me.»

«I find it respectful, Captain. But don't let it go to your head or expect me to get on my knees,» she answered back with amusement in her voice.

"No, Canaisis, I promise I won't," he said aloud with mirth.

He was sure those close enough to hear wouldn't know what to make of him, but it couldn't hurt to remind them that he was in constant communication with his ship. He turned past several crates anchored to the floor and strolled down the aisle between them. When Ahmid came into view around a corner of equipment, Gareth found him bowing and the people around him kneeling on the floor. Ahmid straightened up as Gareth came before him.

"How are your preparations coming, Ahmid? It looks like you're making great progress, I see."

"Yes, Captain. Things are progressing well. There's much to do yet, but we shall be ready." Ahmid smiled, but Gareth noted his tired eyes.

Ahmid suddenly turned to the woman kneeling beside him. "Let me introduce my Second-in-Command Ayla, Captain." He motioned for her to stand as she brought her eyes up.

As she stood, Gareth looked more closely at her. She was thin in her short grey robe—he could tell by how tight her belt was cinched. Her face had a remarkable beauty with almond skin, pert nose, and stunning clear eyes. Loose strands of jet black hair snuck out from her headwrap of patterned colors.

Gareth bowed his head slightly as he said, "Nice to meet you, First Officer Ayla."

"You may address me as Ayla, Captain," she said in a soft, husky voice. "I look forward to working with you."

Ahmid interjected, "Ayla is our horticulture and aquaponics expert. She and several others will need to work for several weeks after launch to prepare for the journey. Seeds need to be prepared, and fish are not so agreeable to cold sleep, so eggs must be preserved. It's she and her technicians who'll be awoken early before arrival. We do not have enough preserved food to last more than a few months, so establishing food production will be a priority."

"I see," Gareth replied, looking at Ahmid. "I hope to utilize her skills during the journey for my own issues, Ahmid." Then he turned to Ayla. "But it may require you to be awake for a longer part of the journey. Canaisis has extensive knowledge of biology, but a Human can sometimes find insights she cannot."

Ayla bowed her head and replied, "We will be grateful for the opportunity to assist you, Captain."

«I do quite well for myself, Captain, and you know it.» Canaisis' voice almost sounded indignant but Gareth couldn't be sure. He returned his focus to Ahmid to find him looking at him curiously.

«Does he suspect I was talking to you, Canaisis?» Gareth thought.

«He knows I can hear everything. And although there's no record of the nanobots I created for us, Captain, there's a slight change in your expression when we talk—or rather, a lack of expression for a microsecond.»

CANAISIS ∞ Chronicle One: The Last Living Ship ∞ 1: A New MissionWhere stories live. Discover now