Don't Say A Word

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It had been a few days since Comet had fought with his older brother, Neptune - and he still hadn't returned.

Eclipse was starting to worry about her mate.

Yes, you heard that right. A Night Fury and a half Light Fury being mates? Yeah right - never gonna happen!

But it had happened. And Eclipse was panicking.

She was pacing back and forth in circles inside the sleep cave. And it was worrying Leyla.

"Eclipse" Leyla called to the female Night Fury. Eclipse turned to face the girl.

"If you keep pacing like this you'll risk-" But Leyla was cut off with a low warning growl from the smaller female black dragoness.

"Shut the hell up" She roared, narrowing her icy blue eyes at the girl. "I'm worried about my mate and I'm about to be a mother, and you have the nerve to tell me to calm down?" Eclipse was absolutely livid. "Fuck off, bitch" She snarled angrily at her.

Never piss off a female dragon. Especially a female Night Fury.

Leyla took a few steps back in shock, not knowing what had set Eclipse off.

"I'm going to go and get some fresh air" Eclipse growled, stalking out of the sleep cave.

Leyla was left standing there, her eyes wide in terror.

She was in so much trouble.

After Eclipse had stormed off, Summer came patting into the room.

She took one look at Leyla's face and raced over to her best friend.

"What happened?" Summer asked the girl.

Leyla just stared blankly at the wall.

Summer waved her tail in front of Leyla's face.

"Earth to Leyla. You there?"

She didn't move a muscle.

Summer sighed, knowing what she had to do, but not liking it in the slightest.

She shot a strong yet very low-powered waterblast straight into Leyla's face.

This time, it got a reaction from the girl.

She spluttered and wiped water droplets from her eyes.

"What was that for?" Leyla glared at her. Summer just rolled her eyes.

Leyla sighed in defeat. "I don't know how it happened... but I somehow made Eclipse upset and now I think she's really pissed off at me" She put her head in her hands.

Summer just stared at her. "What the actual fuck" She muttered aloud to no one in particular.

"Don't make a worried mate expecting dragonets mad at you, or you'll be blasted into oblivion" Leyla muttered with a dry laugh.

"Well yeah, that's a no-brainer smartass" Summer muttered with a duffle roll of her eyes.

Leyla scowled and crossed her arms.

"Oh my Alpha! I can't believe I just said all those cuss words" Leyla moaned into her hands, sounding mortified.

Summer laughed and draped a wing over her best friend's shoulders. "Don't worry, Ley. I won't tell anybody" Summer promised with a reassuring smile.

Leyla smiled weekly and hugged her friend's neck. "Thanks Sum" She whispered in her ear.

Summer smiled and curled her tail around her best friend's small frame.

"Hey, what are friends for" She remarked with a small laugh and an easy-going smile.

"And don't you worry Ley, I won't tell anyone about what you said" Summer murmured into the girl's ear.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2023 ⏰

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