The Female Fury

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Comet stared in disbelief at the dragoness that was standing right in front of him. It was his best friend, Eclipse.

Comet tried to speak, but no words would come out of his mouth.

Eclipse smiled alluringly up at him, her sky blue eyes gleaming in the moonlight.

"W-what are you doing here?" Comet finally managed to splutter out. "And how'd you find me?"

Eclipse blinked her blue eyes at him.

"I'm not that dumb, my love" She crooned softly, smiling up at him and nuzzling his cheek.

Comet growled and pulled away from her.

Eclipse snapped her head up to look at him, her eyes shining with both confusion and hurt.

"What's wrong love?" Eclipse's voice was soft and sweet as always, but Comet wasn't fooled.

"Eclipse" Comet growled in a low tone. "I will ask you once more. What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to see you, my love. Why else would I fly all the way here to see you?" Eclipse cooed, curling her tail with his.

Comet narrowed his eyes, glaring scornfully at her.

"I thought you wanted to be mates with my brother?"

Eclipse's eyes widened and she looked as if she would puke. "What? No way! Midnight is a stuck up piece of shit" She snarled, digging her claws into the dirt with an angry hiss. 

Comet's mouth gaped open in horror. When had Eclipse learned to use such foul language?

Eclipse calmed down and licked her friend's cheek. "I'm sorry love" She bowed her head in shame. "I curse whenever I'm mad or stressed" She looked back up into his eyes.

Comet chuckled and rested his muzzle on the top of the smaller female's head. "I've loved you for years, you know that, don't you?" Comet murmured into her ear.

Eclipse snorted and rolled her eyes at him. "Yeah, of course I know that smartass" She replied with a joking tone laced in her tone. "You're such a dork sometimes, you know that?" Comet snorted indignantly at that.

"I'm an adorable dork thank you" Comet huffed and narrowed his eyes playfully at his friend.

Eclipse burst out laughing and licked her friend's cheek with amusement gleaming in her eyes. "I know you are, my beloved Comet" She crooned, nuzzling his cheek with a soft purring sound.

Silence fell upon the two Night Furies as they sat there under the starlit sky, staring up at the moon.

After a few more moments of silence, Comet spoke up in an attempt to break it.

"Hey, Eclipse?"


"I have something I want to ask you" This caught her attention and she looked up at him expectantly. 

"What is it, Comet?" Eclipse asked him, her sky blue eyes shimmering in the moonlight as she stared into his stormy blue gaze.

Comet took a deep breath before looking up at Eclipse.

"Eclipse, will you do me the honor of becoming my mate?" Eclipse's heart fluttered at the question.

"Of course I will." She said and Comet smiled brightly.

"Good." He said, licking her cheek.

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