The Crash Landing

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Summer was laying down on her back in the grass, watching Dak and Winger race through the air.

She was watching Winger more than Dak, a small blush dusting her cheeks as she continued to stare at the young Swiftwing.

She was so caught up in her thoughts that she failed to notice Aggro coming up to join her.

"Hey Summer, whatcha doing?" Summer nearly had a heart attack upon hearing Aggro say her name.

The Fastfin yelped and jumped about a foot into the air.

Aggro snickered quietly to herself at her friend's predicament.

"Aggro!!" Summer shrieked. "Don't sneak up on me like that!"

Aggro just rolled her eyes. "I'm not making any promises."

Summer huffed and turned away from the Fire Fury. "You're the worst!" she grumbled under her breath.

Aggro gave her a toothy grin. "But you love me despite what you might say."

Summer blew her a raspberry.

She sighed and turned her gaze back to the sky.

"Oh my Alpha! He is so cute!" she muttered quietly to herself.

Aggro, seeing the bright red blush on her friend's face, decided to have a bit of fun.

"Hey, Summer? Do you...?" Aggro started to say, a sly grin playing at the corners of her mouth.

"Like Winger?" Summer finished for her.

Aggro just nodded.

Summer sighed softly. "Don't tell anybody or your dead!"

"Not a word." She smirked cheekily at Summer.

Summer was about to speak when a loud crashing sound made the two girls jump.

Cutter had crashed into Dak and Winger, knocking them both out of the sky.

Aggro's cheeks grew warm as she let her gaze fall upon the young Razorwing.

Summer saw this and grinned.

"Hey Aggro...?" Summer said cheekily.

Aggro's head snapped up to stare at her.

"Yes?" Aggro mumbled, still staring dreamily at Cutter.

"Do you...?" Summer trailed off.

"Like Cutter?" Aggro nodded before the water dragon could get another word in.

"Yes, I like Cutter." The Fire Fury admitted with a blush on her face.

"So... you like Cutter. And I like Winger..." Summer's expression grew thoughtful.

"Yeah? What are you getting at?"

"I won't tell if you don't tell." She finished with a knowing smirk on her face.

Before Aggro could open her mouth, Dak and Winger trotted over.

"Hey girls!" Winger called out with a friendly smile. Summer's face went about as red as Aggro's scales.

Aggro looked between the two of them and hurriedly said "We'regoingtogofishingseeyouguyslaterbye" She grabbed Summer's paw and dragged her along with her.

Dak and Winger just stood there. "Um... okay? Bye then." Winger called after them.


Aggro and Summer flew toward the docks: Summer diving under the wave, looking for fish.

She came back up with a handful of fish in her claws.

Aggro just stared at her.


Aggro just continued staring.

Summer huffed in announce. "What is it Aggro? Speak up."

"How did you...?" Aggro trailed off, still trying to process what she was seeing.

Summer rolled her eyes.

"I'm a water dragon duh! Of course I'm good at catching fish!"

Aggro shook her head to regain her composure.

"Now come on, let's head back before the others think something's up."

Summer blinked at her. "Huh?"

"The boys might think something's up if we're gone for too long." The fire dragon explained.

Summer nodded her head in understanding. "Oh right. That makes sense." She replied after a short pause.

Aggro rolled her eyes at her. "Now come along slowpoke, let's get moving already."

And with that, they were off, shooting through the air like rockets as they sped toward the roost.

"Hey Sum!" Leyla called upon seeing her.

Summer nodded her head in greeting.

"Hey best friend" Summer said, giving her friend a teasing smile.

"That's not my name Sum" She retorted with a small frown.

Summer just laughed quietly in response.

"We caught fish for everyone" Aggro told them.

"Ooo! What kind?" Burple asked them curiously.

"Brown Trout, Rainbow Pike and some Freshwater Cod" Summer answered him.

Winger looked at Summer, impressed. "Wow! Freshwater Cod are quite rare" He said, smiling warmly at her.

"Summer blushed and ducked her head. "I-I um t-thanks" She stammered out while blushing.

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