Chapter 34

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As the sun began to set, I saw the world go by from the passenger seat. The sunset tones of orange and pink bathed the area in an ethereal and peaceful ambience. Claud's strong hands clutched the wheel, his intense countenance mirroring my own nervous anticipation of what was in store for us at this remote home.

The dirt under the tyres crunched as we drew into the driveway, disrupting the stillness of the forest. The mansion loomed before us, its worn exterior betraying clues about its history. There were peeling patches of paint and what looked like weathered shingles on the roof. It seemed like an ancient artefact, unaffected by the hectic speed of today's world.

As we approached, the sound of rustling leaves on adjacent trees provided a pleasant accompaniment. Both thrill and curiosity welled up within of me. Who lived here? How long would I be staying here for? The unknown captivated me, and my mind raced with questions.

Claud shut off the engine, and we were left in complete stillness once again. We paused for a while in the vehicle to take in the quiet scenery. The sun was almost below the horizon, creating a smoky afterglow. A wave of peace and relief from the turmoil of the outer world washed over me.

Turning to Claud, I smiled, my eyes filled with anticipation. "Well, here we are," I said, my voice hushed as if not to disturb the tranquil atmosphere. "Let's see what this mysterious house has in store for us."

Claud nodded and opened the vehicle door for me, and I got in. When my feet hit the gravel, the quiet crunch reverberated through the silence. Each step brought us closer to the home and the mysteries that lay inside. As we approached the entrance, I took a big breath, feeling both excited and nervous.

The door opened with a groan and revealed a dimly lighted room. The dust and musty smell of antiquity added to the mysterious atmosphere within the mansion. The door slammed shut behind us as we entered, enclosing us forever behind its crumbling walls.

I first heard footsteps above us, the floorboards creaking under the rapid pressure it was exposed to. I craned my neck up, as though I could see through the ceiling itself. I followed the small thumping of the floor, all the way to where they ended at the end of the stairs.

And there stood a young woman, around my age or maybe even younger. Her eyes widened in surprise as she laid eyes upon us, as if our arrival had caught her off guard. Her dark hair cascaded in loose waves around her shoulders, framing a face that seemed both innocent and wise beyond her years.

I exchanged a curious glance with Claud, silently questioning who this person could be. As we approached her cautiously, she took a step forward, her gaze filled with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension.

"Hello," I greeted her softly, trying to ease the tension in the air. "Do you live here?" What stupid question. I looked at her fleece pyjamas and dark socks. Clearly this was her home, albeit very old and rusty looking.

She hesitated for a moment, as if contemplating her response. Finally, a small smile tugged at the corners of her lips, and she nodded. "Yes, this house has been my sanctuary for as long as I can remember. We rarely receive visitors, especially ones who arrive at sunset."

We? Who else was here? I was beyond eager to see them.

Her voice held a hint of mystery, matching the enigmatic aura that surrounded the house itself. I couldn't help but be intrigued by her presence. What stories did she hold within her? What secrets did she know about this place?

Claud, ever the social butterfly, extended his hand in greeting. "Hi, I'm Claud."

The girl raised one perfect eyebrow and bounced down the stairs. She reached for Claud's extended hand and, to my complete horror, smacked it away. "As if I'd touch those paws of yours."

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