Chapter 32

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I held onto Nate's hand, not wanting to let go. Ever. Not in the foreseeable future. I wanted to stay glued onto Nate and possible wipe away everything that happened in the last couple of hours.

"Ellie, you are holding on very tightly."

I looked up at Nate, his blue eyes capturing mine instantly. "Don't let go of me. Ever."

Nate looked taken aback but he covered it quickly with a smirk. "I'm not planning to do anything until your-"

"Nate I'm serious. Don't ever let go of me."

Nate eyed me carefully, taking in the seriousness in my voice. He ducked his head close to mine. "I'm not planning on letting go. Not ever baby." I knew it was the right time to swoon at those words, admire how far and quick our relationship developed but I simply stared. Stared at the beautiful creature in front of me.

He was so perfect. From one glance, I knew he was the type of man that would run into a blaze for anyone he loved. It was such an admirable trait it nearly wrecked me inside.

I then decided I was ready to confront my feelings. He was everything I never wanted yet everything I ever needed. He was my potential future and my life after it. I wanted to have him hold me, wake up with me, I wanted to run to him when I need someone. I wanted all of him. The good and the bad sides. The proper side and the vulgar side. I wanted it all.

"Nate, I think I like you-"

"No time to declare love now sweetheart. We have a highway to beat." A humorous voice snickered from behind my shoulder.

Because I was so unaware of him coming so close to me without making a sound, it startled me beyond believe.

My body jolted forward, whilst it simultaneously tried to turn out to assess the new danger. All the while, my heart leaped out my throat, causing a painful blast to hit my chest. My brain went back to survival mode, slowly shutting itself down but my reflex was still there. My hands thrashed out and my legs dared to dash forward.

Anyone overlooking me right now, would think I lost my balance, my special awareness and my sanity all together. But this was pure sweltering panic ran through my bloodstream. And I had no control of my body anymore.

Nate dashed forward and tried to grab my fraying limbs. "Calm down Ellie."  I heard this voice but it wasn't penetrating through my brain.

I willed myself to calm down, to a degree where his voice could take over and ease my suffocation. But I couldn't seem to do it.

My legs crumbled down from under me and I felt Nate's arms come under my shoulders and try to hold me up.

"Shall I help?"

"Don't touch her Claud." Nate sneered.

Ah Claud.

I know him.

I know that I know him.

"What the hell did he do for her to be like this?" Claud and Nate. But who said it? I couldn't seem to separated the voices anymore.

"He's fucking dead."

"Why isn't she responding?"

"Maybe because she's having a panic attack."

"Does a panic attack look like this?"

I felt my body being lowered down, until I was placed on the floor. "How the fuck do I know?"

"Then why the fuck would you say it?"

"Why can't I say it?"

I heard someone grunt. "Are you seriously arguing with me right now whilst have Ellie is in this condition?"

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