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"I feel like throwing up."

"Alan, you're not going to throw up." Clara reassured him. "We're going to go in there, you're going to ask for their blessing, they'll give it to you and then you'll propose when we get to Elvaria."

"You made that disgustingly simple." He glared at her.

"It is that simple!" She laughed.

"Says the woman who ran away every time Julian tried to confess..." He muttered under his breath, mentally preparing to knock on the Taylors' front door.

Clara shrugged, blushing as she remembered running away and hiding from Julian the second she sensed a certain topic coming up. She looked down at her feet, kicking a few pebbles out of her way.

"I wasn't ready." She said.

And when I was, it was too late.

Clara knew part of why Alan was ready to tie the knot was because of what he'd seen happen to her and Julian, and she was happy to see him take this step in his life. Maybe if she wasn't so scared before, she would have had the same with Julian It was something she thought about often; how different things would have been if she only let him in sooner, if he didn't have to leave.

As much as she longed for him, part of her was relieved to be alone. He'd be one less person to worry about, and one less person to grieve should anything happen to her. She didn't want to cause anyone any pain, and perhaps distancing herself would be the best way to do so.

Thinking back to her endless conversations with Isabelle, Clara was too scared to admit that she now understood why Edwin did what he did.

Becoming general made her realize he was right all along.

Maybe she simply wasn't made for love. The fewer ties she had the easier her job would be. There would come a day when everyone had bigger priorities than her, and they would not grieve her loss as much. Her fate was sealed, almost inevitable.

Clara did not fear death; she only feared leaving her loved ones.

She knew what she had to do, and this time she would not be strayed from her decision like last time.

Her thoughts were cut off by the door opening; she didn't even realize that Alan had knocked. Plastering a smile on her face, she greeted Hazel's parents warmly. They always made her feel like she was part of the family.

The weight on her heart only grew heavier.

They all sat down in the living room for a while, making small talk before Mrs. Taylor left to make some tea. Clara got up to help, but the mother refused to let her help, saying it was no hard task. Clara sat back down, noticing Alan's shoulders relaxing now that she would be staying.

"So to what do we owe the pleasure?" Hazel's father asked. "How is Hazel? I'm surprised she's not with you." 

"Oh, she has a council meeting today to further set up her project." Clara explained with a smile, nodding at Hazel's mother who came to sit with them again as the kettle steeped in the kitchen.

"We're here to uhm..." Alan gulped, his face flushing red. He tapped his fingers on his leg as he took a deep breath.

Clara shot him an encouraging smile. Hazel's parents exchanged knowing looks, guessing where this was going. Hazel's mother fought off a smile while her husband narrowed his eyes at Alan. Clara bit her lip to hold back her laughter once she saw Alan's panicked face at Mr. Taylor's glare.

The scene of Julian facing a glaring Edwin replayed in her mind.

"I want to ask Hazel to marry me..." Alan finally said. "And I'm here to ask for your permission."

Hazel's mother squealed and squeezed Clara's hand in excitement.


Both women's jaws dropped, looking at the man in question, who was now glaring a pale faced Alan.

"Brian!" His wife gasped.

"Wha- Why?!" Alan's heart was beating out of his chest. 

The air was tense as the two men glared at one another. The kettle began whistling and Claudia rushed to the kitchen, leaving Clara to stare between the two men with an uneasy feeling.

She was so sure her parents would agree.

"Let's just calm down-" Clara tried to ease the tension but was cut off by Alan bursting out of his seat.

"No, I need to know why." He said. "Hazel is my everything, and I will not give up on her. If you don't give me your blessing, I'll keep asking for it day after day, even after we're married without your permission; because I love her and I can't stand to live another day without her by my side."

Clara's heart melted, but the nerves only grew as Brian stood up and approached Alan, who didn't falter under his gaze. Claudia and Clara watched from opposite sides with fear, not knowing what to expect.

Then Brian smiled.

"That's what I was looking for." He said, putting out his hand for Alan to shake. "As long as you promise to always protect and love her, you have my blessing."

Alan's shoulders slumped in relief as a wide grin grew on his face, matching those of the two women watching everything unfold.

"I'm glad you fixed that, otherwise I was about to fight you." Claudia laughed, putting down the tray of teacups and biscuits on the table before she walked up to Alan, placing a hand on his cheek. "I trust you'll take care of her."

"All I ever do is for her." He smiled sincerely. "There's no hell I wouldn't walk through for her."

Clara had her hand on her heart as she listened to his words. She truly admired their relationship and how they came together as one. She'd never really believed in soul mates until she saw the two of them together.

A few tears escaped her eyes as she wiped them away with a fond laugh.

"Besides, he won't dare to hurt her with me around." Clara reassured the parents. "I had my own little interrogation before we came here."

"Well I trust your judgement well." Brian laughed, patting Alan on the back. "Welcome to the family, son."

"It's an honor, sir." He smiled at him.

Though many families were torn and broken in the War of Allies, more families were being made. Like always, nature had a way of mending itself and growing stronger. Avelyn was no different; through loss they would grow to fill the void with cherished memories and promises for a better future.

It was time for Avelyn to be reborn.

God, I'm so emotional about this book...

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