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The sun began to rise, lighting up the hills of Avelyn. Birds started to chirp with the arrival of dawn, but were unheard due to the loud clashes of two swords coming in contact with one another.

The pair swung their swords skillfully; sweat dripping from their faces, as they had been practicing for quite a while now.

Noticing an opening, the brunette ducked down avoiding the other sword as they put their leg out, sliding it behind their opponents feet, making him fall on the ground, as they put the sword under their chin, breathing heavily.

"You did it." The man stated proudly, a grin forming on his face despite his situation. "That was a smart move, I'm proud of you, Clara."

The girl smiled, her heart soaring with pride at her success after all the hard work. She dropped her sword, giving a hand to her opponent, helping him stand up.

"Do you swear that you didn't let me win?" She asked.

"Clara, trust me, I would never let you win purposely." The girl giggled, knowing his competitive nature.

"So, do you think the king will allow me to be knighted?"

"I don't know." He sighed, shaking his head. "I'll try my best to convince him, because we need your skills."

"Thank you, Edwin." She smiled gratefully.

"You're absolutely welcome." He smiled, putting a hand on his ward's shoulder. "Your parents would have been so proud of you."

Clara chewed on her lip, lost in thought. After a moment of walking back to their home in silence, Clara spoke up.

"Would they have?" She asked nervously. "People don't seem to approve of a woman fighting."

"Then those people are ignorant." Sir Edwin said. "There are no differences between men and women. What matters is their heart; if they are good or evil. If a man can fight to protect his home, then so can a woman. I see no shame in a woman fighting."

Clara nodded, letting his words sink in.

In that moment, Clara made a vow to herself; to always be pure of heart, no matter the obstacles.

Despite her being the youngest among the knights, she was able to hold against them all skillfully, and would win frequently.

All except Edwin; until now.

"Race you home?" Clara challenged with a grin before she ran off, her laughter blending with the sounds of the town waking up.

"Race you home?" Clara challenged with a grin before she ran off, her laughter blending with the sounds of the town waking up

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"Good morning, butterfly." Clara picked up her little sister, kissing her cheek softly. "Did you have fun with Auntie Hazel?"

The six year old giggled, nodding her head and smiling at the woman behind her, who smiled back and ruffled her hair.

"Thank you for watching her, again." Clara chuckled.

"No worries," Hazel waved her off. "I love Lila. Besides, you're practically becoming a knight!"

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