XIX: Undēvīgintī

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It had been a fairly simple spell, but one he used sparingly as it tended to give him a pounding migraine by the end of the day. All Delvin did was scan through every record possible, every piece of literature no matter how benign. An all seeing type of spell.

And there was nothing. Nothing at all that eluded or even just briefly mentioned, that Linette Armertris had existed. The only mention of her was on Lavinia's own identification form. He leant back on his hands, and looked at her through the corners of his eyes. Delvin had made any attempt to continue what he'd started that day, for the very reason she was sitting here beside him.

She looked exhausted.

A waif of the woman he'd come to know, there was no bite left in her. He almost wanted to provoke her, poking a stick at the proverbial fire. It was at that moment Delvin decided the Magic Tower might be busy right now with preparations for the summer solstice. But he'd make the time for her.

He didn't know why, but he hated this side of her. Delvin ached to fix it.

She seemed distant this way, staring out the window dispoindently running over what he'd just said. "Lavinia," Delvin announced, in an attempt to get her reaction. She barely responded, sending him a passing look.

"Just because there's no records of her, it doesn't mean she can't be found. If there's anyone in this whole Kingdom that could find her, it's me." He boasted, moving from his position to edge closer to her.

Finally, she reacted. A shy smile crept up the corners of her mouth, as she looked up at him through her long eyelashes. "Thanks," She responded simply, her voice a husky whisper.

Absentmindedly she swung her feet off the edge of the desk, grazing the floor every so often. The far away look in her eyes still hung there, looming like a shadow.

"Lavinia," Delvin called out, reaching for her shoulder. "Let me show you something." He stood up with a stretch, peering over his shoulder. Lavinia looked back at him, eyebrows raised in question.

"Do you trust me so little?" He asked sarcastically, turning around to hold out his hand to her. Unlike last time, she gently placed it on top of her own. Bending at the waist, he brought his lips to her fingers, a ghost of a kiss.

It was abnormal for a Prince to bow to someone below his superiority. In fact it was downright considered to be a treason. Another one of his mothers ridiculous laws. For some reason though, Delvin felt called to do it. He'd never seen this woman as less than him. In fact, in comparison Lavinia shone more brightly than he ever did. Her value was immeasurable.

He wanted to monopolise her smile, so she would look at him and only him. But at the same time, he wanted to see her flourish. To achieve everything she wanted in life and so, so much more.

"Well, you haven't given me much reason too," Lavinia retorted, equally as sarcastic. Dramatically, he placed a hand to his chest.

"You wound me." He beamoned, then straightened back up, face falling flat. "Make sure to hold your breath," It was the only warning he gave her before he teleported them to the top of the tower.

Automatically, her eyes had closed tight, her face flushing red as she did just as he said to do. He snorted. At the top of the tower was a small, hidden balcony. It was high enough to see across the entire Kingdom.

"You can stop holding your breath now." He grinned, slowly letting go of her hand, even though it was the last thing he wanted to do right now. Her eyes opened cautiously, as though she were expecting something specific.

God, he wished he could see what she was thinking right now.

The minute she took in her surroundings, her mouth feel slightly open in awe. Forgetting about him completely, Lavinia headed straight to the railing, peering over it in curiosity.

"I know it looks great but there's no need to jump off," Delvin half joked, hovering over her. Observing her carefully, even though he was one of the best magicians in the Kingdom and would be able to get her if she toppled over. It was never a bad thing to be too cautious.

"This is amazing!" Lavinia gaped, watching as a bird flew by. "You can really see everything from here. Why did you tell me sooner?" She lightly elbowed him in reprimand. Delvin could tell she didn't really mean it.

He nudged her back, before speaking. "I've been busy,". It wasn't a lie, he had been. The start of his plan for usurpation was already well underway. But more than that, this was him admitting he was wrong. For leaving her after that incident in the bathroom. For not acknowledging it. For not continuing.

Lavinia's attention slowly drifted from the view, and back to him. And for the first time in a long time, Delvin smiled genuinely. The coroners of his lips rising as his eyes softened. Because, from one look he knew. He knew that Lavinia understood what he was saying and everything that he wasn't.

'Im sorry'

"You are a busy man," She intoned, folding her arms across her chest. "But it's okay cause you're handsome i guess,".

'I know'

All the words went unsaid, but yet were somehow spoken.

And that was how they spent their evening, mindlessly chatting atop the highest building in the Kingdom of Vespertine.


It was time to get serious now, and although he had thoroughly enjoyed yesterday there was a wealth of things he needed to get done today. Delvin had told Lavinia last night to take the day off today, so he could work through lunch and dinner. Without her knowing of course. She probably have a fit if she knew.

First things first, he would follow up his promise to her. Finding Linnette Armertrise. Since the moment Delvin met Lavinia, he had a nagging feeling that she reminded him of someone. Not anyone he knew personally, but her features seemed familiar. Someone of importance.

Was there anyone who looked like her in the four Kingdoms? Perhaps her father was some kind of noble. It would make sense after all, only a noble would be able to access the identification forms and change them. But without himself knowing? It seemed unlikely.

Unlikely but not improbable. Delvin would have to use his position as Prince to sway a few people, he'd scan the identification forms of Vespertine first, and if no one or nothing appeared then he'd use his connections to get the identification forms of the other Kingdoms.

If he could find her father, then surely, her mother wouldn't be too far behind.

The next, and more difficult thing he had to do was sway the public's opinion of him. Right now he was known as nothing more than a murderer. Which wasn't necessarily wrong, it just wouldn't help him in the long run. His next target however was Duke Haylin of house Green. He was his mothers sword and shield

But firstly, Delvin would have to make more appearances in public. Charity events, aid and building more schools so access to education was more available. It had to be calculated perfectly, so he would seem the better person rather than the King and Queen. It also wouldn't hurt to put his sister besides him in this light. It would protect her when the King and Queen were eventually executed.

The upcoming summer solstice celebration would be the perfect time to aucostrate something. He even hire people for it, if he had too. Delvin wasn't stupid, if he lacked public backing when he took the throne, he'd simply be killed and another person would take his place.

Delvin knew that better than anyone. 

Authors Note:

Hello hello! Its been quite a bit since i last updated, i've been really busy just like i said. Ive not really had the chance to even upload anything. But now everything's calmed down a bit, i should be back to regular schedule. 

I hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter! Thank you so much for getting this to 1 k views now. Who do you think Lavinia's father is? Do you have any theories. Id love to hear them. 

Thanks so much for your patience. 

Lots of love, 


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