VI: Sex

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The days went by, and her job got easier, and easier. There had been nothing major to report on to Delvin, at least not yet. It was mainly petty gossip and casual chats between the maids of the Palace. It was unexpectedly boring.

Lavinia and Delvin had fallen into some semblance of a routine together. In the morning, at the break of dawn, she would come wake him up with the first meal of the day. He was surprisingly petulant and grumpy waking up, moaning at her to 'go away'. Of course, she didn't stand for it, and always, habitually pulled the curtains open to force him up.

Delvin, contrary to the rumours, was actually kind of playful. He constantly teased her with his magic, using it to shift her skirts, jumpscare her or hide objects from her. To be honest, it was annoying more than anything.

Lavinia sighed as she pulled her ponytail into place. The Prince wanted a report on the maids' activities everyday after lunch. She was on her way to see him at his office, before she heard it. Two voices speaking to each other just behind the elegant double doors.

"I've been ordered to go to the Havenvale Kingdom soon. I'm sure the Queen knows our plans. I've never been permitted to go to Diplomacy Meetings. For good reason." Delvin hissed. There was light clanking of metal, before a different, foreign voice spoke.

"Oh well! It will be fun right? Besides, you can bring along the new cute maid you were telling me about!" His voice was deep, smooth like running water. Lavinia's face flushed, and she placed her ear to the door. Against her own morals, a shred of eagerness bloomed in her chest. What would the Prince say about her?

"Of course she's coming." Devlin deadpanned. "But I never called her cute. Get a hold of yourself Tobias, as Head of the Royal Guard, you'll be coming as well." He sounded thoroughly fed up, and Lavinia tried to ignore the flash of disappointment at his answer.

The man called Tobias snorted. "See it'll be fun," He drawled, but his voice was getting suspiciously closer and closer to the doors, Lavinia stepped back sceptically. Surely he didn't know.. "It's going to be a mini holiday. Imagine all the rolling countryside, the birds and did you know they have dragons there? I've never seen one, have you?"

Lavinia held her breath.

It didn't work, the door bashed open. A hand shot out to grab her by the collar of her uniform, and dragged her back into the room. The door slammed shut with a powerful thud. Lavinia froze in fear or in shock she didn't know.

"Seems you got a rat infestation." Tobias sneered, shoving Lavinia forward to where Delvin was sitting at his desk. The Prince's crystal eyes widened a fraction, before they narrowed back onto the Knight.

"Stop being such a fool. The woman you're holding right now is my Personal Maid. And should be treated as such." There was a clear underlying warning to his words, but Lavinia didnt know him well enough to be able to decrypt the meaning.

Tobias' hands fell off of her shoulders as if they'd been burnt, monetarily making her lose her balance. She righted herself with an indignant huff. Lavinia finally got a good look at the man. The knight was decked head to shoulders in silver armour, delicate leaves had been burned into the metal as a sign of his high position.

He was dark skinned, with messy, curly, hazel hair and warm chocolate brown eyes. He had the gall to look ashamed, rubbing the back of his neck as if to say 'oops, not my fault,'. She gave him a look before turning back round to face the Prince.

"Look. I only came here to tell you what I heard." She snapped, placing her hands on her hips. Delvin gestured for her to continue, and she caught a glimpse of one of the many rings on his fingers. It flashed a ruby red under the dim lighting. It almost didn't match him, gaudy and unnecessary. He was more the type for grace, integrity and yet also corruption. 

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