A battle against a raging bull

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After his intense battle Y/N was quick to regroup with his freinds his mind was disturbed by his encounter with black doom why would he want a human to work for him and just how far will he go to have his demands met?

The black arms had made a retreat to regroup and attack the city with a more vast and wall armed army meanwhile G.U.N and the droid army were busy licking thier wounds from the assault and were also gathering thier strength. Y/N ordered mecha sonic to regroup with him outside of the metro station and had ordered kalani to have sonia and shade meet up with him aswell the others were still busy in dealing with the last of the black arms near the highway.

Y/N waited with mecha sonic who had returned to Y/N and was covered in the blood of the black arms which caused sonia to gag while shade remained unphased.

Sonia: (gag) Jeez dude you could have least washed all that stuff off yourself.

Mecha sonic: There is no need I have  no sense of smell and the blood of my enemy sustains me the more blood i spill the better.

Y/N: Alright mecha sonic let's calm down on the bloodbath stuff alright?

Shade: So Y/N why did you call us here?

Y/N: During my fight in the basement against the black arms I had a encounter with thier leader black doom.

Sonia: You did?!

Y/N: Yep and me and him had alittle conversation and what he said to me has left me disturbed. He gave me an offer to join his army and when I refused he just brushed it aside and said that he would make me join his army one way or the other.

Shade: Why the hell would he want you to work for him?

Sonia: Besides you wouldn't actually join him and stab us in the back........right?

Y/N placed his hand on sonia's cheek and gave her a smile causing her to blush making shade a little bit jealous.

Y/N: Sonia I would never turn my back on you I won't break the hearts of the people that have stood by me through all this I'm not joining black doom not here not now not ever.

Sonia: (blush) you really are something else you know that? (God his smile its making my heart go crazy I can't stop blushing!)

Shade: So Y/N whats the plan? The black arms have retreated but I don't doubt they'll be back for another round with more soldiers to boot.

Y/N: I've ordered kalani to have the droids ralley at times square while G.U.N have occupied most of the highway but right now though we should deal with any stragglers from the first wave.

Sonia: Wanna have some help and have me and shade tag along?

Y/N: Sure the quicker we deal with the survivors the better.

Mecha sonic: Just don't slow me down.

Shade: Tch the nerve of this punk.

Sonia: Yeah what shade said I mean do you know who your talking to? I'm the fastest thing alive!

Mecha sonic: And the most obnoxious and annoying thing alive.

Sonia: Annoying!? Why I autta-

Y/N: (Sigh) this is going to be a long day.


Y/N along with sonia shade and mecha sonic went from place to place dealing with any surviving black arms soldiers with mecha sonic dealing with them in a thorough and brutal manner while sonia and the others were less savage. Y/N made quick work of the stragglers deflecting any blaster fire sent his way and sonia and shade who used thier spindash to take out the larger groups of aliens. The four had just finished up with dealing with the aliens at the museum and now they were patrolling the streets near the mayor's office keeping thier eyes peeled for any aliens. They walked past the lifeless remains of battle droids aliens and G.U.N soldiers the silence that engulfed the city gave an uneasy feeling one that would make someone think that danger was around the courner and that they could be attacked at any moment.

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