✧ Part 53

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She was none other than Yn, his

His whole world collapsed...He couldn't feel anything...All he could see was her lifeless body, laying on the floor...And She was his love of life who was lying in the pool of blood...His heart beat stopped...He forgot to breathe....

He took slow steps towards her body with his heavy heart and knelt down to her level before taking her head on his lap...He mumbled,

" Ynn ?? "

But got no response in return....

Tae- Yn-ahh, why aren't you talking to me ?? Look, I'm back home...As you said, I came early...We are going out right ?? Why aren't you ready yet ? And why are you playing around ? Look , you ain't a kid...So stop joking! Just get up and get ready for the date....

He grabbed her hand before placing it on his cheeks...

Tears were flowing from his eyes continuously...But she was not moving...Not at all...

Tae- Wh-y ? Why ar-e you doi-ng this to me ? What wrong did I do ?? Please tell me and punis-h me if I did something wrong...Hit me, sla-p me but don't preten-d like that you're no more....D-on't!

He couldn't even speak properly...Be was stuttering....

Tae- Yn, believe me I love you a lot...I can't live without you...Yn, I'll just die...Please wake up nah ! Don't leave me...I can't...please I can't be alive...

He started sobbing loudly....Still speaking with her...

Tae- Yn, I know I hurt you enough...But you can't leave me like that...You can't...I won't permit you...Take me with you! Or else come back to me...How can you leave me like that ?

He hugged her lifeless body...

Tae- What about our promises ?? How can you break them that easily ?? Noo please! Don't leave me...Remember we planned to spend the whole life together...We'll grow old and will have our kids...What about my kids, you promised to give me ?? No, How can you leave me in this world all alone....HOW!!

His lips were trembling due to fear...Fear of losing his love of life...He probably said many times, " He loves Yn "...But it wasn't enough to describe his love for Yn...His love is more than that which cannot be described through three mere words...For him, Yn is his everything...Yn is his life, his soul...He's nothing without her...His love for her is untouchable, is unconditional...

He can never accept the fact that his love is no more...He can't even think of something like that...He can't even imagine his life without her...

He stayed in the same position hugging her tightly...Tears kept flowing non-stoply from his eyes....

He was feeling weak and numb...He was feeling himself like a soulless body...

At the end, he's also no more...When Yn's not here, he also has no existence...

He wanted him to disappear as well...

??- I cAnT LeAVe wiThOut YUo...DoNT lEavE Me...YoU pRomISeD tO gIVe me MY KiDS...I wiLL diE wiTHOut YoU...

Someone was mimicking his lines from behind...He frowned and stood up before turning around....He looked at the the person blankly...

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