chapter 40

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2 years ago
Abhimaan pov

22 year old

New York,
In one of his apartments in the US

He was sitting at
the bar of his room, staring at the glass filled with scotch in his hand.

He mumbles
" 4 saal hogye hai " and sighs

Or kitna wait yr, why she goes to that pond that day, why didn't I freakin stop her, what does actually happened on that day

He ruffles his hair in frustration, anger, sorrow, and pain. He was suffering from it for the past 4 years he was suffering from that incident which make pratiksha to forgot about everything.

As the alcohol takes in charge of his mind now, his eyes went heavy he doesn't know when his eyes got shut and drift to sleep.

Morning *flashback*

His eyes were closed but due to heavy light coming into his room, he opens his eyes tiredly, feeling his body so stiff. As he moves from his position

The whole apartment was filled with sun rays. he moves a lil as the sunrays kissed his skin, making him wake up from his miserable situation.

His head was hurting because of a hangover, he hold his head because of the headache.


As the blinking and the sound of message from his catches his attention.

He sighs and tiredly takes the phone from the table of the bar

He checks the time it was 8:30 and he have to now reach his company. He made this big Rajvanshi empire in new york and even in India so he have to manage it all. But sometimes it all feels tiring.

His eyes move from the time to the WhatsApp message notification

He unlocks his phone to check the sender

And it was his mom, she have sent a photo, which he not interestingly clicked

But his eyes were all love's struck after he saw that photo and he was continuously staring at the person who was in that photo

The photo He was continuously staring at

The photo He was continuously staring at

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Idk who remembers this but this was the photo pratiksha clicked at the time of her college farewell when Gaurav also joined there as a chief guest

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