Chapter 1

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Atleast Snape finally got his wish at being Defence Against the Dark Arts letter with me unfortunately helping out getting the new potions professor for Dumbledore, oh I know exactly why

I am just sick of this, faking and acting all the time its so exhausting and for what?

Wait, why am I doing this again?

Why am I being a puppet for a wizard who creates dark lords in the first place to show that he still has power and has a useful within the magical world

Grindelwald and then Voldemort

Why am I doing this instead of well being myself?

I don't even give a shit about fitting in at all, I only believed fitting in was the solution at the beginning but unfortunately I ended up fitting into a fake me, pretending to be someone else when really I just had originally wish to easily get away with well anything, which I can to an extent but can only do stuff that James Potter did

So why not be myself, because you only live once right, doesn't matter what people think of you as well as you be yourself and no somebody else

I put down my fork and pull out a book which got confusing looks my way

Hermione- "ermm Harry, shouldn't you be eating plus you won't understand what the book is about"

Harry- I look up from my book "oh the book worm judging a book by its cover are we, seeing suspicious as to why you don't want me to learn at all, after all how am I to learn, if I am being forced to not read a book?"

Ron- "come of Harry, books are for losers"

Harry- "so you are basically calling not me or Hermione but majority of everyone within this hall a loser?"

Hermione- "yeah that really hurts Ron"

Harry- "yeah how can you say that to your best friend, Ron?"

Ron- "wait what, I originally said it because not supposed go read during the start of the year feast"

Harry- "ermm dumboo, the ravenclaws right now are reading books and gossiping about what they read over the summer, also Hermione I am allowed to read whatever and whenever I want thank you very much, so please both of you stop telling me what I can or can't do, it seems like you are trying to control me or something" and that got them both to shut up as they give the headmaster a quick look before the both of them started to eat again

I turn to Neville "how come you use yours father's wand? I noticed straight away but I thought you would eventually get a new want but you never ended up doing so, same with you, Seamus?"

Seamus- he was shocked Harry was talking to him like last year arguments never happen "ermm my mother want me to have a powerful wand, so she give to a wand from a family member, not sure who but she didn't want me to risk getting a not so powerful but weak wand"

Neville- "as for me both my grandmother and crazy uncle, thought I was a good idea to have my father's wand, in memory of him"

Harry- "you do know you can go the Professor Mcgonagall right and within your rights you can get a wand that suits you because remember, the wand choses the wizard, not the wizard choses the wand because if that was the correct thing as well we would have been happily using our parents wand perfectly fine plus their won't be any wand makers now would they, some people do what they love and if wand making it is, then good on them. Now if I where you I would like I said go to Professor Mcgonagall, who I will explain the situation to her and she will help you out"

Ron- "why do you care if they get new wands"

Harry- "because I give a shit"

Hermione- she gasps "Harry!" Which got us attention "why would you speak like that?"

Harry- "what I am speaking perfectly fine English"

Hermione- she shakes her head "you have changed and no one will like it"

Harry- "wanna bet?"

Neville- "I actually like this Harry compaired to his selfish not very out there more zoned out self, no offence"

Harry- "none taken, oh and I am selfish, it just my eyes have been opened to reality and I don't like what I see or like the way I have been acting, lets just say I am ashamed of myself" which I am even though at the same time not because I dont give two shits and have fuck all feels for anything or anyone but I have to unfortunately show emotions or I will end up a mental health hospital having either muggle or wizards & witches always checking me over and doing tests on me

I sigh looking around seeing Snape and Dumbledore looking from the head table with a few randoms and certain Slytherins aka Draco and his quite larger than my gang well all his year, a few others are always on his side, powerful but mini death eaters because theirs a bunch of them

I go back to my reading until the feast is over perks of being with the Dursleys, I am used to lack of food or not feeling hungry, before I came to Hogwarts for my first years I was just skin and bones

I head to the common room, getting ready for bed and going to sleep after doing abit more reading after abit



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