The Sunburst

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Niharika  hurriedly parked her scooter in the empty parking lot of the Bajaj empire.

Yes. Empty!! It ought to be empty. Office time starts at ten. Still, there she was; at the parking lot of her company at exact seven in the morning. That too, a monday morning!!

Obviously, she would be the only one. Because nobody but her worked as the personal assistant to the most workaholic and pompous person in the whole damn planet named Hedhran Bajaj. She counted to ten in her head to tone down the emerging sensation to murder her boss.

Before she left the parking lot, she took a meaningful glance at her scooter. The parking lot of the "Bajaj empire " will soon be filled with different models of cars, just like a gigantic  car showroom. Amidst those cars, her scooter always looked like a sheep trapped between a herd of elephants. She let out a huge sigh and rushed out of the parking lot. That was the only thing she could afford to do.

She took the elevator to the fourth floor where she worked harmoniously alongside the devil. The word hredhan means one with a great heart. She literally gagged at the thought of that. He gives no justice to his name. Not even one percent. She was not sure if he even had one.
Well, scientifically speaking, he has one otherwise he would have been dead. Period..

She analysed reports from various departments and made a unified report highlighting the profits and losses the company suffered previous day. By the time she finished the report, it was quarter to eight. Her boss was a punctual maniac. She knew that he would pop out of the elevator exactly at eight.

There are two things he wants at his desk every morning. One is the report and the other one is his coffee. He prefers his coffee just like him. Dark and bitter, without a tinge of sugar. He loathes sweet-sugary things with his life. That man can't even tolerate a cupcake. Once, an intern placed a strawberry cupcake in his table during a board meeting and he immediately fired him. Poor fellow. She heard it from Leela Gupta, fourth floor receptionist.

Initially, she thought his dislike towards sweets might have something to do with his blood sugar level. She thought he was diabetic and kinda pitied him for that. But later she realised that it was his choice. She was flabbergasted.How can some one not eat sweets? How can someone not want icecream? How can someone not crave chocolate??????
How??? How???

That was Hedhran Bajaj. He was the exception in the exception.He rarely answers the questions people throw at him except for the ones that threatens his position in the company.

As a personal assistant to him, she tried really hard to understand him. But that rude jerk doesn't want to be understood. He made it completely clear to her at certain inauspicious occasions.

All such things  that openly portrayed their mutual animosity  lingered in her mind while she prepared  coffee for the one in question.

Later she entered his office and placed the report ,coffee and some other files he asked for at his desk. With a satisfied grin, she left his office and waited at her desk. It was almost eight. Any minute he would walk out of the elevator and purposefully stride towards his room without even shedding  a single glance in her. direction.

And he did the same thing. But..

Oh man!! There was a big scowl on his face. Bigger than the one he always used to carry. Today he was in a terrible mood. Really terrible mood. Every one was in danger. No .. Noo. She  was the one in danger. If she made any mistakes today, she would probably be dead.

𝙷𝚒. 𝙶𝚞𝚢𝚜. 𝙿𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚍𝚘 𝚟𝚘𝚝𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚜.

yours sincerely Mrs. BajajOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant