Chapter 11- my first apple

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Together with Isabella and Raven, I made my way to the magnificent dining hall where a delicious breakfast awaited us. However, Tatsuya, the Duke, asked me to go ahead as he had some matters to attend to. As I entered the hall, I sensed that the atmosphere in the estate had changed since my arrival. Both the staff and the Duke and his knights seemed to be well-disposed towards me. It was a feeling of safety that I hadn't experienced in a long time, and it motivated me even more. While I was aware that their kindness wasn't solely based on pure mercy, it didn't bother me. If they wanted to use me, then I could use them just as well for my own purposes. After all, I relied on their protection as much as they depended on my magic.

As we entered the hall, I spotted Ryota already sitting at one of the tables. A warm smile appeared on his face, and I joyfully returned it. Sometimes, he reminded me of my little sister from my previous life. In that moment, thoughts of my family overcame me. How was my sister doing? What was she up to today? If time here progressed similarly to my old world, she should be in her thirties by now. Perhaps she had already started her own family? And how were my parents? These questions and thoughts captivated me deeply, and I almost got lost in them until I suddenly felt a touch on my arm.

Ryota had gently placed his hand on my arm, looking at me with concern. "Is everything alright?" he asked caringly. The sorrow I still felt for my previous family must have been reflected on my face. I had long been aware that I would never see them again, but even after all these years, it sometimes felt as if we had breakfasted together yesterday and as if all of this was just a dream.

I forced a smile and placed my hand on Ryota's. "Everything is fine, Ryota. I was just momentarily lost in my memories," I replied with a hint of melancholy in my voice. Ryota nodded understandingly and slowly let his hand slide from my arm. It was touching to see how empathetic he was and how much he cared about my well-being.

We took our seats and began to savor the delicious breakfast. The dining hall was bathed in a warm light, and the aroma of fresh rolls and steaming coffee filled the air. It was a true feast for the senses. As we enjoyed ourselves and discussed our plans for the day, I realized that we had an important task ahead of us. We needed to find people suffering from the same mysterious illness that had afflicted Ryota before. It was of great significance to determine if my medicine could be effective in other cases and how many lives we could save with it.

After finishing our breakfast, we rose from our seats and left the dining hall. Ryota bid farewell as he had to attend his classes, and I returned to my alchemy laboratory to continue brewing more potions.

Having gotten the hang of it, the production process proceeded quickly, and soon I had completed several more crates of healing potions. In that moment, Wolfram knocked on the door. He informed me that everything was prepared for my journey to the city, and I could depart at any time. I glanced briefly at my laboratory. By now, I had about three crates filled with potions, and it wasn't even noon yet. "Then I would like to leave now," I said decisively. Wolfram looked slightly surprised. Apparently, he had expected me to need more time. But a smile appeared on his lips, and he nodded in agreement. "I will have the crates loaded immediately," he stated.

Together, we made our way to the courtyard of the estate, where a magnificent carriage awaited us. Raven and Isabella joined me inside, while the three knights accompanied us. There was the one-handed knight, the knight who had suffered from a cold, and the knight with the eyepatch, although it was no longer necessary since they had all been healed thanks to my potions.

The carriage door opened once again, and Tatsuya silently entered, taking a seat beside me. Isabella and Raven, who sat across from us, looked at him with astonishment. It was the first time they had seen him ride in a carriage. Normally, he always rode on his horse, considering carriages to be too cumbersome and a disadvantage in case of an attack. Once the crates were loaded at the back of the carriage, we set off.

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