Chapter 1 - my rebirth

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I remember the bright light that surrounded me when I died. A moment of dazzling brightness followed by complete darkness as I seemed to move weightlessly through space. It was a strange experience, as if I were trapped in a floating dream with no awakening. I felt a warm presence around me and didn't know if it was real or just my imagination. Then I heard a voice speaking to me. It was a gentle, feminine voice that reassured me and said that everything was okay.

Eventually, I opened my eyes and my gaze was captured by a completely unfamiliar room. I lay on a soft, warm surface and couldn't move or speak. My body felt strange, as if it weren't mine. Everything around me seemed large and old-fashioned, as if I were trapped in a long-forgotten time. After some time, I managed to move a little. My arms and legs were tiny and delicate, and I realized I was trapped in a baby's body. An overwhelming shock ran through me: I was a baby! The realization hit me like a blow, and I couldn't help but cry and scream. Desperation and fear filled my small body. But my cries went unanswered. No one came to check on me, which gave me an even greater sense of loneliness and abandonment. Wasn't it customary to care for a crying newborn? I felt lost and frightened.

But suddenly, I heard footsteps approaching the room. A woman with brown hair tied up in a strict bun looked down at me. Her expression revealed no kindness but rather annoyance or even disgust. Although I didn't understand her words, her facial expression clearly reflected that she didn't think anything nice about me. She grabbed me roughly and held me like a sack of rice. A sharp pain ran through my body, and I couldn't help but scream in pain. "That hurts!" I yelled, but only loud wailing and sobbing came out of my mouth.

We left the room, and I dared to look around a bit. The people around me seemed to ignore my presence as if I were invisible. They were wearing clothing that looked like medieval servant attire, and their language was completely foreign to me. My head throbbed with pain, and sudden nausea overcame me. My vision became blurred, and everything around me slowly turned black.

When I regained consciousness, I found myself in a gloomy, cold environment. The smell of damp masonry and musty wood filled the air. The room was dimly lit, with only a faint light coming through the small narrow window adorned with thick iron bars. It seemed as if centuries had passed since the last sunlight touched this room. The walls of the room were made of gray, peeling plaster, with damp spots evident in some places. The stones underneath were rough and uneven, as if time had gnawed at them. The corners were filled with dark shadows that seemed to take on scary shapes, intensifying the feeling of oppression.

In one corner of the room stood a broken wooden table, its once smooth surface marked with numerous notches and burn marks. A few worn-out chairs with loose seat cushions surrounded the table, their once magnificent upholstery now torn and dusty. On the opposite wall, there was a dilapidated shelf that seemed to be burdened by the weight of the past years. The wooden boards were bent and bowed, some even broken, and the few remaining items on it looked neglected and worthless. Some broken clay pots, rusty tools, and yellowed scrolls and books.

The cold, dusty floor consisted of rough stone slabs, uneven and cracked. The floor seemed to have borne the weight of many steps and the suffering of many prisoners for centuries. It was a place filled with dark memories and sad stories. In this small shabby room, time seemed to stand still, as if it had been forgotten and abandoned.

Hours passed, but no one came to check on me. Cold tears streamed uncontrollably down my cheeks. I couldn't help but cry and sob. My body ached, but what was even worse was the agonizing uncertainty that surrounded me. Why was I here? Would I ever see my beloved family and friends again? As I sank into self-pity, the room gradually became brighter. Small, glowing orbs began to gather around me. I had never seen anything like it before. The pain subsided, and a comforting warmth filled my body.

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