Chapter 22

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New cover photo^!! I don't really like it but hey it's something new....

Molly's POV

As soon as we got home I ran upstairs and went on did some research

I only found one Espinosa and it was a girl from the 1910's, her name was Emily

She got married so there is no way of knowing is she is/was related to Matt

Oh wait I can just look his up, duh *mentally slaps self*


Matts great great great grandma was Emily Espinosa! It's the same picture as the one I saw!

I quickly ran downstairs yelling matts name

"Matt Matt Matt Matt Matt Matt Matt!" I said all the way down the stairs

"What what what what what what what?" He said

"You need to come upstairs" I said and practically dragged him up the stairs

We got in my room and I sat him down on my bed

''What's going on?'' he asked

''we are kind of related I think'' I said and he looked shocked

''how do you know?'' he asked

''well I did some research and found out that your great great great grandma is my great great grandma'' I said

''are you sure?''

"Yes, I'm positive look" I said showing him the computer but he just looked kinda unsure

"M you don't know if this is 100% true" he said and that made me upset

"So what you don't want us to be related?" I said with tears now filling my eyes

"Of course I do! But this website just doesn't seem right" he said

"Wow" I said and walked out the room and went into the basement

Was I just his charity case? Did he just like to tell people he adopted a poor little orphan because he felt bad? He probably does

I sat downstairs and just watched season 5 of pretty little liars because it just came out on Netflix and I have nothing better to do.....

Matts POV

I went downstairs and told the guys what happen because they obviously saw Molly crying

"Dude all she wants is a family" Jack G said

"I know but I don't want her to he her hopes up" I said

"But you can put her down like that" Cam said

"I didn't mean to" I mumbled

"We know but you have to make it up to her" he said and I nodded

I have the perfect plan....

Molly's POV

I was sitting downstairs and Matt came down

"Hey you wanna do something?" he asked

"Sure" I said with no emotion

"Lets go" he said and grabbed my hand

We walked up stairs and out to his car

"So where are we going?" I asked

"Somewhere special" he said and we pulled into the park

"We are going to have a picnic then we are going to the movies" he said

We got out and sat down were he sat up the picnic

"M I feel awful about what happen" he said

"You know what it's ok, it's fine, it was a lot for you to take on and your probably right" I said

"It doesn't matter who's right, we are together now and that's all that matters" he said and I nodded and we ate our lunch

We got done then went to the movies

"Let's see insidious 3" he said

(I know it's not out yet but just go with it)

We got the tickets and got a small popcorn and a medium drink because we are just going to share

We walked in and sat down

We sat through the previews then the lights went off and a couple came in holding hands

"Oh my gosh" I said and sat up strait

"That's Hayes" I said and stood up

"Molly don't" Matt whispered and I grabbed out drink

They at down and I sat down behind them

I tapped on Hayes' shoulder and he turned around and his eyes widened

"Oh uh um hey Molly" he said barley getting the words out

I waved at him then took the lid off of my drink and poured it on him then walked out

I got outside with tears rolling down my face

I started running home

Everything in life is stupid! I don't understand!

What did I do to deserve this? I knew I wasn't good enough for him....

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