Chapter 17

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Well that's the saddest thing ever^^

Matts POV

We got on the plane and I was shaking my knew

"Dude calm down before you pass out" Nash said laughing a little

"I can't calm down" I said about to punch him

"Ok ok well the more you worry about it the more stressed you'll get and I don't want you to be stressed out" Nash said and I smiled

*skipping plane ride*

We all got off the plane and got our stuff and ran to our cars

We rushed home to see my front door open and Tytus' front door open

I ran into Tytus' house to see him pacing back and forth and Hayes laying on the couch not awake

Nash ran over to Hayes and I ran over to Tytus

"Dude what happen?" I asked

He explained the story and Taylor looked so mad that if we was a cartoon character there would be smoke coming out of his ears

"That son of a bitch! He can't just come in here and do crap like this! I can't take it anymore!"taylor yelled and I felt bad for him

Hayes POV

I woke up to see all the guys

Just saying I could care less about them right now #sorrynotsorry

Molly is my main focus right now

"Ok where could he have taken her?" I asked and everyone just shrugged there shoulders

Wow thanks for all the help (sarcasm)

"Well we need to think of something because I don't want anything to happen to her" I said and everyone nodded

"Let's start looking around town and then if we can't find her in 48 hours we call the police" Jack J said and we all agreed

Everyone got in cars except for me

I'm walking around town

I checking in the woods and in creepy places where the guys cars can't get into

I started running through the woods and saw a creepy cabin

I ran over to it and I saw there were train tracks about 100 feet away

I walked inside and saw nothing

I called Matt

"Did you find anything yet?" He asked

"No not yet, obviously you haven't either right?" I said

"Yeah we haven't found anything, maybe we need to call it quits for tonight and keeping checking tomorrow morning" he said and I agreed

We all got back home and sat in the family room

I got up

"What are you doing?" Nash asked

"I'm going to keep looking, keep your phones on and stay awake just incase I have any problems" I said and they all nodded

I walked out the door and with that it started to rain

But that didn't stop me.........

Molly's POV

I woke up and I saw I was in a van tied up

The van stopped and saw a grow guy, a teenage girl and a teenage boy

The man opened the door and the boy carried me out

It was dark and it was raining

We got inside a house or cabin or something and was tied to a chair

"So this is the girl that Hayes is after?" Some girl asked

"Yeah, he doesn't show it was I know he likes her" the man said

"W-who are you people?" I asked half awake

"Oh sweetie I'm Mr.Caniff, that's Brad" he said pointing to the boy "and that's Kimmy" he said pointing to the girl

Kimmy just gave me the look of death

Brad was just looking at me like he wanted to kill me and Mr.Caniff kept looking at me weird

"Ok you two out, I want to have some fun" Mr.Caniff said and Brad and Kimmy left

That's when I thought my life was going to end............

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