Chapter 18

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Fern closed the door to Aegon's chambers with a sigh

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Fern closed the door to Aegon's chambers with a sigh. She closed her eyes, resting her head against the door.
There was a noise behind her.
“Where were you?” Aegon asked.
She took a deep breath, collecting her thoughts, and turned to face him with as bright a smile as she could muster. “Your mother asked to see me.”
Aegon pulled a face. “Oh.”
She couldn't help but laugh at his reaction. Even just with a few small words shared, she could feel her stress and tension from the interaction melting off of her shoulders. She sauntered over to him, sitting in his lap and taking his cup out of his hand to place it on the table. He reached for the wine as she moved it away, frowning at her. But when she gently kissed his neck, all seemed forgiven.
“I've missed you so much.” Fern whispered, kissing his cheeks.
Aegon grinned, pulling her closer into him. “Perhaps I should leave you with my mother more often. I like you like this.”
She huffed, nuzzling into the crook of his neck. Her arms wrapped around him and Aegon gently ran his hand in soothing circles across her back. She hummed, gently playing with his hair.
“I was going to go and see Sunfyre.” He said softly, holding a little closer. His arms like a protective shield from the rest of the world. “Do you want to come with me?”
“To the dragonpit?” She thought of what Alicent had said about not drawing attention to herself and frowned, shaking her head. “I can't do that.”
“Fern...” He cooed, pulling her in closer. Her lifted her chin to make her look up at him. “We've discussed this. You can do anything you want to do.”
She smiled and bit down her lower lip. “I can't... I... People will...”
“Then what if I make you go, hm? No one can blame you if I just...” He stood up, lifting her in his arms. Fern squealed, hitting his shoulder. “Steal you away for the afternoon.”
“Aegon!” She laughed, trying to wriggle out of his arms. “You're mad.”
“I am. I'm completely mad. And I'm taking you with me.” He said as they left his chambers.
She laughed the whole way to the dragonpits.
It was hard not to laugh with Aegon.
Somehow, after all these years, he still knew exactly how to make her smile. 
He didn't stop carrying her either. Even as all the lords and ladies stared. He never seemed to care. She knew he was used to not living up to expectations... What was a little eccentricity?
When they arrived at the dragonpit, Fern marvelled at the structure. Built by men so long ago.
It was something she envied about Aegon. All that history. He knew where he came from. His ancestors. Who they were, what they did, what they were like. Fern didn't even have the luxury of knowing her parents. All she had was Cedra.
She felt a pang of grief in her chest when she thought of the woman who'd raised her. She'd not seen her in so long.
Cedra was by no means perfect... But she was all Fern had. All she'd ever known. Cedra had held her hair when she was sick as a child. She'd given her first glass of wine and laughed when she hiccuped and her cheeks turned pink. She'd held her and comforted her when she had nightmares.
And Fern had left her. Left her on the street of silk while she lived in luxury with Aegon.
She silenced her thoughts, forcing on another smile as Aegon finally let her down to walk on her own again.
“Are all the great dragons really inside there?” She asked with wide eyes.
“A lot of them.” Aegon nodded. “Syrax and Caraxes are with Rhaenyra and Daemon. Rhaenys has Meleys. And Vhagar isn't-”
“Where's Vhagar?” Fern asked a little too quickly. She realised her blunder when Aegon sent her an odd sort of questioning glance. She straightened herself, chuckling a little nervously. “I mean... Isn't she with Aemond?”
“Aemond has gone to Storm's End.” Aegon answered. “To make a deal with Borros Baratheon.”
Fern nodded understandingly. But she didn't understand at all.
Aemond wasn't in King's Landing?
When had he left?
Was he alright?
Should he really go on his own given all that was occurring with Rhaenyra? What... What if something happened?
She paused her mind.
Aemond would be fine.
Aemond was always fine.
And she had no reason to be so worried about him. She had no reason to think of him at all.
So why could she not stop?
Aegon reached out and took her hand. “Come. I'll show you some of the other dragons too.”
She smiled, biting her lip.
It felt wrong for her to be here. For a common whore to be taken into such a grand, sacred, Targaryen, space.
But she followed him anyway. Just like she always had done.
They entered and Fern kept close to the King. She looked up at him and it was rather endearing to find a look of boyish joy and excitement on his face. It was rare to see him like this. Rare to see him so enthused and happy.
She liked it.
“How old is Sunfyre? Has anyone ridden him before you?”
“No.” Aegon said with a small smirk. “I'm the first to claim him. They say he's the most beautiful dragon in the known world.”
She smiled. “Is that so?”
He nodded, humming. “You'll know him when you see him.”
He began to pull her along, past other dragons who roared from within. It didn't take long before the two of them were wandering down a narrow pathway. She held onto Aegon's arm.
“Just... Stay behind me, my love.” He said gently. “He's a little... Unpredictable sometimes.”
She laughed. “Like his rider.”
He looked at her for a moment, a gleam in his eyes. “And like my rider.”
She gently, playfully, hit his arm and heard his laughter echo.
He was right.
She did know Sunfyre when she saw him.
A large, scaled, beast who looked like he was made of gold.
The creature seemed to sense Aegon's presence and slowly lifted its head, eyes fixing upon Aegon and Fern.
She shrunk a little, hiding behind the King.
But Aegon had no such issues.
He walked right up to the great beast, running his hand along its scales.
“This is Fern.” He said in a gentle voice, the sort of voice he'd only ever heard him use with his children. It had made her smile from ear to ear when she'd first heard him talking to Jaehaera and that sweet soft voice. It made her smile again now. “She wanted to meet you. Fern, this is Sunfyre.”
She nervously stood there, lifting her hand into a shy little wave.
The beast inches closer.
If she'd been any younger, she thought she might have wet herself as the creature stared directly at her. It was terrifying, that was to be certain. But Aegon seemed completely at ease.
He took her lifted hand and guided it gently to the dragon's scales.
It was surprisingly smooth.
And the beast slowly leaned into her touch, giving a noise that almost sounded like a cat's purr.
“He's beautiful, Aegon.” She whispered.
“I did tell you.” He answered. “It looks like you have another admirer.”
She wasn't sure which of the two of them she was talking to. She was mesmerised with Sunfyre, and the dragon seemed equally enthralled with her.
“One day, we should fly him together.” Aegon suggested.
She looked at him like he was completely mad. “I... I couldn't...”
“Stop saying that. I told you, you can do anything you want.” He looked over at her. “You look so beautiful.”
And then he pulled her in, kissing her passionately. As he did, Sunfyre roared.
“I want to take you up into the sky.”
She peered up at him, her eyes wide. “Well...” She whispered a little breathlessly. “Who am I to defy my king?”
Aegon wasted no time in pulling her up with him onto Sunfyre's saddle. It was a matter of minutes between him suggesting it and them actually being mounted on the beast. It moved beneath them, the scales of the great golden dragon shifting beneath her touch.
With Fern seated behind him, her arms wrapped around his waist, Aegon gave the signal to Sunfyre, and the dragon's powerful wings launched them into the sky. The world below quickly shrank as they ascended, and a feeling of weightlessness washed over them. She kept her eyes squeezed shut the whole time. From them first leaving the dragonpit to them flying up into the air. But she felt the air shift around them. Felt it all melt into this strange insane feeling as the air battered her face. Aegon yelled out excitedly.
“Open your eyes. You're going to want to see this.”
She slowly peaked out of one eye.
She gasped.
They were so high up that she could touch the clouds.
Like Gods.
Fern held on tightly, her heart pounding with a mixture of fear and exhilaration. But as they gained altitude, her fear gave way to wonder. The city and its people looked like tiny dots, and the wind carried their laughter and gasps of awe across the sky.
“This can't be real!” She yelled out over the sound of the wind.
“It is.” Aegon answered calmly, holding her close to him.
They flew over the top of houses and buildings and streets she'd got lost in as a child.
The City had always seemed so big to her... And now it just looked so small. She understand why it was so easy for Kings and Queens to lose sight of Smallfolk like her if this was how they lived. So high above everyone else.
They stayed up there, circling the city and soaring high, until the sun had finished setting. Right until the sky had grown dark.
With the moon shining brightly above them, Aegon guided Sunfyre back toward the Red Keep. The city lights below illuminated their faces as they landed softly.
They returned Sunfyre to the dragonpit, Fern still in a daze of amazement as she stared at the creature. She couldn't stop staring at the beautiful golden scales.
“Come.” Aegon whispered, pulling her into him. He kissed her tenderly, his arms wrapping around her. “What did you think?”
“It's the most incredible thing I've ever seen.” She whispered.
He nodded. “I like seeing you like this.”
“Like what?” She laughed, peering up at him.
He offered her his arm as they walked back to the Red Keep.
And when they went back to his Chambers, Aegon didn't undress her or decide to take her as she'd expected.
He helped her undress, took her to bed, and spent the night holding her tight like she was the most precious thing in the world.
Like he never wanted to let her go.
It made her feel somewhat guilty.
Because she couldn't help spending that time wondering what was happening in Storm's End.

The King's Whore - Aegon/Aemond Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang