Chapter 16

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“Good morning, my queen.” Aegon whispered, kissing along her neck.
She hummed softly, eyes still closed, and leaned into his soft kisses. “You and the morning are not two things I associate together.”
He laughed, pulling her closer. “You look beautiful.”
She opened one eye, looking down at him. He was grnning brightly – she was certain she'd never seen him so happy in all the years she'd known him.
“What is wrong with your face?” She laughed. “You're smiling.”
“Waking up next to you every day has that effect.”
She couldn't stop herself from laughing. He was looking up at her like a little puppy and it seemed so odd.
The king leaned up to kiss her but she stopped him, placing a finger on his lips. He gave her a sad little look that seemed so pathetic that it made her grin.
“You look so pretty too.” She whispered, stroking his cheek.
The king blushed. It wasn't something she imagined or a trick of the light. His cheeks turned a deep crimson colour.
It was rather adorable, in truth. She couldn't help but slowly move to kiss his pink cheeks.
“My king...” She whispered, slowly pushing him down under her. Her grin was devious, eyes bright, and he peered up at her like she was a goddess come to life. It made her smile grow all the more. Softly, she stroked his white hair. “You're so good to me.”
“It's what you deserve.”
“And what about what you deserve?” She whispered, trailing a hand down his torso.
Aegon raised an eyebrow up at her, a devilish smirk dancing across his lips. “What did you have in mind?”
Her hand moved lower... And then lower... Until the King couldn't help but groan.
Fern's grin widened. “I like when you make that sound.”
“Perhaps you should do this more often then.” He whispered, kissing her neck and throat and jaw.
Fern smiled, her hand moving up and down slowly. She listened to the soft noises he made with glee in her eyes.
He looked so perfect. So good. So much like some holy creature... Even if she knew he was far from holy.
“Really, My King? How much would you want that?” Her hand stopped. “Would you beg for it?”
“Oh you menace.” He groaned, pulling her hair as he kissed her roughly. She giggled against his lips. “Is that what you want? You want me to beg for you?”
“Yes, my love.” She whispered, the name making him moan softly. “Beg for me.”
Please Fern, will you do me the honour of finishing me off before I scream? I am begging.”
She beamed, leaning in close. “Good boy.” She whispered, her hand moving faster.
Aegon clung to her, holding her close as she drove him nearer and nearer to the edge with every movement.
He knew he was close. He could feel it. She was spectacular. She was everything a man could ever want. A gift from the Gods. And he was going to...
She lowered her head. He hadn't noticed her do it at first until she felt her tongue slowly run down him.
His fingers laced through her hair, gripping hold of her as a low groan tore through him.
“Gods, Fern...”
She giggled softly, moving faster, making him grip the bedsheets in his fists.
It didn't take long before that familiar pleasure took over and he released.
Fern looked up at him with a self satisfied smirk as he took shaky breaths.
She kissed the tip of his nose gently, giving a small sweet laugh that made his whole body ache.
He loved her.
He'd told her he loved her.
He'd never...
He'd never told anyone that.
But he'd told her.
And he was terrified. Terrified of the day she'd leave. Terrified of hurting her and ruining her like he did with everything else. Terrified of her finding out that... He wasn't the man she somehow seemed to think he was.
He was so lucky. So grateful. And he wanted to live in the dream a little longer. To live with her.
The next he knew she was under him, a surprised but excited look of her face.
And he was kissing her.
Kissing down her neck and collarbone and between her breasts.
His hand ran up her thigh and she shivered, her fingers running through his hair as her back arched into him.
“Aegon...” She breathed out softly.
It was all the invitation he needed. That sound... It was perfect. It was better than perfect. It was Fern.
She moaned, clinging to his shoulders, as he slipped one finger into her.
Gods the way she moaned...
The way she held onto him like her life depended on it.
The way she rocked her hips against his hand.
She kissed him and he kissed her and his hand moved causing more moans and more...
There was a knock at the door.
“Aegon–” She gasped, a soft whine escaping her. Her face was buried into the pillows, a look of pleasure written all over it. A look he knew well.
“Sh it's alright.” He whispered, still moving his hand. He slipped another finger into her and she cried out. He couldn't help but grin at her.
There was another knock at the door.
“Oh Gods... Gods... Don't stop, please!” She all but begged.
“Im not going to stop. Not yet, at least.”
It was the truth. He had no intention of stopping until she was done.
Her back arched and she bit her lip as another moan carved out of her. Her breathing was ragged as she moved her hips to meet his hand.
He always seemed to know what to do. How to please her.
He'd spent a long time exploring every inch of her body... And now it seemed he knew exactly how to make her scream.
And that was why she was so fast to fall over the edge into her climax.
Aegon chuckled happily as she did. He liked drawing those sounds out of her, making her grip the bedpost for support.
Fern rolled over, pulling the covers over herself as she panted for breath.
And Aegon went to find whoever had interrupted the door.
The minute he slammed it open, he had his answer.
“Where have you been? We've been waiting all day.” Aemond barged into his rooms. “You're King now. You can't just spend your whole day drowning in your cups and fuc–” He stopped the minute he saw Fern.
Her bare skin glistened with sweat as she gasped for air.
Aegon grinned at his little brother's reaction, grabbing a discarded shirt from the floor.
“Sorry to keep you waiting, brother.” He said, not seeming sorry at all. “I was just thanking Fern for being so attentive all night.”
Fern rolled over to face them, blushing a little. She wasn't sure why, really. Lots of men had seen her like this before.
But she supposed they weren't Aemond. He seemed to have his own affect on her.
“Hello, my prince.” She greeted shyly.
Aemond gave a displeased hum in response. “Is this what you're going to do as King? Spend all day attending your whores instead of doing your duty?”
“Whore. Singular. It's just Fern.” Aegon shrugged.
Aemond tried not to pull a disapproving face as he referred to her as 'just Fern'.
That was his brother's problem. He still saw her as just the girl who'd begged him to bed her before anyone else did. He couldn't see who Fern had become. And he couldn't see his own responsibilities.
“He's right.” Fern said gently. “Go. I'll be here when you return.”
Aemond and Fern both exchanged a long look. Silent words shared between them. He knew she was good for his brother. That she was one of the few people he listened to. One of the few people who could actually get him to do what he needed to do.
But at what cost to her?
And why did he care?
Why did he care so long as the realm was secure and his brother wasn't the worst king to ever sit the Iron Throne? In the grand scheme of things, what did one person matter?
Why could he not stop worrying about her?
Aegon huffed, shrugging his shoulders. “Alright. Fine. Is it Small Council today then?”
“It should be.” Aemond answered. “We have a lot to discuss.”
“Then we shall go. Come, brother. Don't look so glum.” He grinned, patting his little brother's arm. He looks back at Fern. “I'll return later.”
She smiles as he leaves obliviously.
Aemond looks back at her once. That same look of concern on his face.
She gives him a small smile as well.
It is only when the door closes that she lets her mask drop.
She did not belong here.
She did not belong here.
She did not belong.
And no matter how at home she felt with Aegon, she could not escape that fact the moment he was gone.

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