Chapter 15

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"Wasn't he disowned by his family as well shortly after the expulsion?" I asked, laughing at the thought.

"Yes, but there's more, your highness," said a man with golden hair and matching gold eyes.

"And who might you be?" I asked, wondering what relationship he had with my fiancé.

"My name is Eloise, your highness, and I think you'd like to know that he has learned how to use one of the forbidden arts... Shadow magic,"

My anger boiled over the word.

"You're saying... Someone is trying to revive the dark arts?!" I shouted angrily.

"Ah!" Jumped the sleeping red head.

"My apologies... I lost my temper," I quickly regained composure.

"Vincent wasn't working alone either, someone else pulled him into the shadows when we almost got him," Sir Shane explained.

"Did you see them?" I asked.

"No, they were in shadow form, but I have reason to believe that it's a woman," he continued.

I nodded in intrest as he continued.

"This person was either a man with long, slightly curled hair, wearing a long dress and corset, or just plainly a woman," he described.

"But... Your highness... Why do you care so much about Madeline?" The red headed woman asked.

I looked at her with a slight glare, "She's my fiancé, of course I care," I spat.

"But you didn't seem to care at the ball. When you had your opening dance with miss Odessa," added Amelia, her eyes flashed with anger just for a moment.

"It's no secret that you've neglected her in the past," Sir Shane said, offhandedly.

I thought I would burst in anger. But I didn't. They were right.

"You're right... All of you... I abandoned her and she didn't deserve that... But I promised to make it up to her and that's what I'm going to do," I turned around to go look for Odessa.

Despite her low rank it's common knowledge that she has an unusually strong healing affinity.

After asking around I found out that Odessa was missing and Sir Cameron Shane was sent out to find her.

I saw lady Eleanor crying in despair in the gardens. She hid her pain well.

Is that how Madeline was while I was with Odessa?

I don't even remember what I saw in Odessa. But I've been with Madeline since we were little.

I knew how painfully shy she was. How she was always bullied for her skin color. How kind hearted she was.

When did I stop defending her? When did I start to forget about her? What did Odessa do to cause me to forget about the one girl I wished to protect.

How could I have hurt her? I broke our promise that day under the oak tree...

I broke my promise to Eleanor and the Riverstead duchy. I broke a promise to my mother...

Why had I left it all behind? For Odessa?

I struggled to figure out what happened, but everything came in a blur. Like it was all just a bad dream...

I hope Odessa comes quickly, so I could just see Madeline up on her feet again...


It was a shock to say the least when I was the one sent to retrieve lady Odessa.

She was an unbearable pain and for the last few weeks has been trying to catch my attention.

I only had eyes for Eleanor and nothing could change that.

We followed the trail of clues left behind by the kidnappers, assuming there were multiple, and it led quite a good distance away from the academy.

Since lady Odessa has a freakishly powerful healing ability it's no wonder she's become such a target...


After pulling Vincent away from the scene I started to heal his wounds.

"What're you glaring at me like that for?" He spat.

"You wanted me to cause some trouble and you got it. I even almost killed Madeline like you wanted. Shouldn't you be happy?" He asked as I sneered.

"When I told you to cause trouble I didn't mean for me, you fool," I grimaced.

"Do you know who he was?" I asked, ready to beat him up.

"Who? The new guy with blonde hair?" He asked curiously.

"Yes, that one. His name is Eloise, he's the current master of the magic tower, Eloise Le Magis," I growled at the name.

I almost killed him if not for that stupid Arcane pendant he was wearing.

"So what?" Vincent asked, stupidly.

"He was raised in the magic tower by a priest, his affinity for the Sacred Arts is off the charts, meaning we could die by his hand. Didn't you see that light paladin he summoned? Just it's presence made your shadow form falter," I explained impatiently.

"Well crap. He looked pretty damn attached to Madeline. So now what?" He asked.

"I don't know. Let me think." I said, massaging my head.

"So, Odessa, I've gotten pretty strong ey?" He asked slinging his arm around my shoulder with a grin.

"Hands off, pig," I glared, black fire, surrounding his arm as he pulled away in pain.

"Argh! Jeez! That actually hurts!" He screamed.

"I didn't give you the power of the shadows to act like a creepy hoe. Don't ever touch me again, you got that?" I asked threateningly.

"Yeah, yeah... Should you really be using that much power for trivial stuff though? Every very time you use Dark Arts doesn't it take away your life or something?" He asked as I laughed.

"I'm the queen of the fairies, I'm immortal, how many hours could this little magic take from an infinite amount of life?" I said, watching Cameron try and save me begrudgingly.

I giggle at the sight and wonder how long it would take him to find me.

After he does she'll finally be able to charm him.

"He'll be mine before we even reach the academy," I said out loud, feeling all giddy.


5 days had passed and Madeline's condition was remaining unstable.

Any time she would spot a male she would have a major panick attack, no matter who it was.

"Where is she..." I wondered.

Finally I saw her walking into the academy.

"Odessa," I called.

She was laughing at something the person next to her said.

It was sir Cameron. He turned his head away from her. I couldn't tell if it was because he was shy or annoyed.

But one thing was for certain. Lady Eleanor was not happy...

"Cameron?" She called, uncertain.

Sir Cameron's face brightened at the sight of his fiancé.

He quickly left Odessa's side to greet lady Eleanor.

"Eleanor, I missed you," he smiled, taking her hand, and walking into the school.

He turned his head one last time to glance at Odessa but quickly turned his head again to Eleanor.

I dragged Odessa as she fervently protested.

"At least tell me where we're going, your highness!" She squeaked.

I led her to the door of the infirmary and knock.

"Your highness..." The healer greeted.

"Odessa, please help my fiancé,"

°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°and cut!°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°

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