Chapter 8

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It was night and I was getting a little restless. I couldn't stop thinking about how Odessa had acted. That's no way for a heroine to behave.

That's when I heard a knock on my door.

"Maddie, we were a little worried about you," whispered Patricia.

"So we decided to check on you," continued Amelia.

I giggled, "You guys aren't supposed to be here, come in!" I whisper shouted pulling them both in playfully.

The girls weren't supposed to leave their dorms at night especially not Patricia since it was dangerous for their star mage to be out at night because she could be targeted by other rivals.

"Odessa was extremely out of line earlier," complained Amelia.

"Right?! How dare she!? I know it's not my place since I'm just a commoner but she's just too wicked!" Patricia exclaimed.

"She's a temptress! An evil seductress sent from darkness!" Amelia joined.

"Now that's enough, I couldn't care less about her or the prince. He chose to love her and there is nothing I could possibly do," I said calming them down.

"You should annul the engagement!" said Patricia.

"I agree, the prince is also at fault and you deserve better!" Amelia said determined.

"It's not as easy as you think, the king bestowed this engagement to us as a gift, if we break it off so easily, conflict would spark between my house and the king," I explained.

"Even so, that wasn't a gift it was a curse!" Patricia refused to listen to reason and continued on cursing the royal family.

We talked until it was time for the two to return to their dorms.

Just then I heard a crow screech on my balcony and a big thump.

I opened the curtains and saw a wounded masked man on my balcony.

He had a big cut on his chest and I decided to drag him inside and treat the wound.

The cut was deep, slightly touching the subcutaneous fat but a simple running suture should be enough for this wound. I also needed to sew him up quickly since he was already in stage 2 of hypovolemic shock.

I looked around and found my sewing kit, but quickly realized there was nothing to sanatize the needle and wound.

I quickly ran to the magic bell on my bedside to alert my personal servant that I needed help.

The servants quaters were close by and my maid quickly entered the room and froze stiff from seeing the wounded man on my floor.

"Quickly! Get me some alcohol! I also need a bowl, hot water and a towel," I said slightly panicked.

The maid quickly rushed towards the kitchen as I found clean cloth to press his wound with.

The maid came back and I put the whisky on the towel to disinfect his wound and the needle.

I sewed him up and asked my maid to help me move him to the bed.

The hot water was put on my bedside incase he'd have a fever.

"Did anyone see you?" I asked the maid as she shook her head.

"Good, please don't tell anyone what happened here," I said with pleading eyes.

"Rest assured, my lady, my lips are sealed," thankfully she's from our house and loyal to my family.

"Do you need anything else, Miss? I can stay up and watch him if you'd like," she said kindly.

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