Love Shot #3: Two Sides of a whole

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Note: Have you ever had that feeling of sharing your body with another soul? Like there's another "you" inside of you...what if you can have a conversation with your other self?  This is what it felt like for me.  Self love ftw!

It was a full moon. On a nice apartment on the suburbs, a handsome man was sitting on the window sill sipping beer while looking at the bright lights out his window.


The man looked up and smiled at the girl who was now standing in front of him, "Yuki... anything wrong?"

Yuki shook her head and sat on the same window sill so they are now back to back while watching the same scene.

"Is it wrong to want to sit with the hottest man in the world?"

Ren gulped a mouthful of beer and chuckled, "no... but it is wrong to lie. We both know you don't think I'm the hottest. "

The girl laughed and Ren smiled at the soft rumbles passed to his back, "I do think you are the hottest but... I never said I liked you the best."

"Ouch... way to hurt a man's pride."

"Shut up... I love you, you know."

Ren took another swig of his beer and sighed, "you have to... you can't NOT love me. "

*hugs knees* "Maybe... is it not enough that I love you?"

*leans more and sighs* "They did say love oneself... but let's not take it to that level, Yuki. You and I... we are two sides of one whole. If I may be truthful, I want a love like you do. A love all for myself."

"You mean for the two of us right?" *chuckle* "you said so yourself. We are two sides of one."

Ren laughed and laid his hand out which the smiling Yuki took, "I don't want your boyfriend. You can have him."

Yuki smirked, "I was not willing to share him silly Ren. Its just... this fuzzy feeling in my chest...I hope to share with you."

"It does get through to me little one... I relish in it... and it makes me happy."

The opposites sat silently back to back, conversation dying and yet there was no discomfort.

"Don't lie to me Ren. You can lie to anyone but not me."

"I wasn't... I'm really happy Yuki. But I am not saying I'm content."

*squeezes the man's hand* "You will meet her one day. "

"Are you sure you are qualified to say that Yu? We both know the love you have..."

*sighs and puts chin on knee* "I don't know, Ren. For now, I'm happy. If the road I'm traveling goes that direction then I'll be okay with it. No use worrying about something I am unsure of."

*drinks beer* "Yeah. I think so too. Are you happy with him, Yu?"

*looks at the full moon and nods* "Yes... for now. I know that in the end this could end up as a dream or an illusion I am making for myself but he does make me happy. You?"

Ren kept quiet and followed Yuki's eyes to the moon, "I don't know. Others might think my...our life is enviable. We have girls lining up wanting to have a taste of heaven..."

"...but we don't like that, do we?"

Ren nodded, "what we want... is someone who can see past who we seem to be."

"...someone who will love the imperfect person..."

"...all our faults and successes"

Yuki smiled, "be wanted and want someone in return."

*lightly conked head with Yuki's* "One day..."

*rubbed head* "Ow...sadist. Yes, one day. For the both of us."

*laughs* "back at you... I love you Yu."

*laugh* "Who said not to overdo the love thing? I love you too, Ren."

"We can do this all night Yuki..."

*squeezes Ren's hand* "yeah..." *sigh* "at least I'm sure you aren't lying to me."

"I'm not... is he?"

Yuki lets go of Ren's hand and hugs her knees closer, "we both know the answer to that Ren"

"What if he's serious?"

*shakes head* "he isn't."

Ren sighed, "Can't you believe what he says? For your heart too?"

"Would you believe now if someone says they love you? Are you willing to give your heart away?"


"Then that's my answer too."


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