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"Yeah.. I'll see." Lighting grumbled but was silenced by Doc's voice speaking into the mic of the headset.

"Kiddo, you gotta trust him this time. Something about him has changed I've noticed between you two. Something sparked. I can see it in your eyes McQueen. You're determined to win. But let's trust Jackson on this route. Something tells me he's going to do a do-over on what you have done when you lost but did something better for yourself and Mr. Dinico Weathers." Doc smiled a little after he reminded McQueen this.

Lighting widened his eyes. So that's what he's doing! He watched as Jackson sped off and made up the laps he missed.

Only two left to go. Francesco and Jackson are neck to neck. Speeding around the corners so fast.

They reached the Pitts. Quickly getting tires exchanged and gas. Jackson sped off first and right back on the track.

But Francesco had a different plan. Once he got his car with the exchanged parts, he sped off into the grassy part.

Right towards McQueen.

As Jackson makes another lap, one ahead from Francesco. He suddenly shouted.

"Leave him alone, you nuthead!"

Lighting let's out a shriek from the inside of his car as Francesco crashes himself right into Lighting.

It happened so fast that McQueen landed right back on the track. Sparks across the road as McQueen frantically started to speed off on the two tires he had left on his car.

It made an disgustingly screeched sound from the sparks in the back of his car.

Francesco is starting to get up to him. A evil grin on his face as he shouts. "no more Lighting McQueen! Francesco shall be the new!"

"Oh no you don't!" Jackson scolded as he swerved harshly into Francesco. Causing the Italian race car driver to swerve and hit the wall.

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