15. Shifting together

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Next morning
Taehyung's uncle, Woo-hyuk sends a car with his driver to pick Areum from Seokjin's house. Taehyung had already packed Areum's bag. The driver placed the bag in the trunk of the car and waited for  Areum while sitting at the driving seat.

Near the car Taehyung hugged his daughter and kissed her head multiple times. It's the first time he is sending his daughter away from himself. He will miss her a lot. Areum also hugged her mother tightly and said, "Don't worry mumma. I will take care of myself and will call you everyday. You will visit me at weekends right?" She asked looking at her mother with hopeful eyes.
Taehyung smiled and said, "Of course baby I will come every weekend to meet you. I will miss you baby. Love you so much." He kissed her forehead lovingly.
Areum smiled showing her dimples and said, "Love you too mumma."

Then Seokjin came near them and said, "Oh Baby Ari I will miss you. But promise me that when we meet next time you will let me perform with you in a live stream."
Areum said, "I will miss you too uncle Jin and I promise I will let you perform with me."
Then Taehyung made her seat in the baby seat placed at the backseat of the car. Driver started the car and soon it disappeared from their view. Taehyung started feeling sad but thought that it was for better. And it's not like that he can't go to see her daughter. Once he and Jungkook have a stable relationship he will tell him about Areum and then he will live a happy life with his small family. He smiled at the thought of having his own family.

In the afternoon he got a call from the stage director of the movie, Devil.
It is an action movie in which a stunt double is needed. Taehyung had accepted this offer on the day he came to Korea to earn some money but now that he is married to Jungkook he doesn't need to do this but he thought that if he refused at the main time then the production crew would face problems. So he told the stage manager that he will be there within an hour.
He reached the film studio and met the stage manager. He understood the scene in which he needed to perform. He changed his clothes and came to the stage.

In the first scene, the actress searches for the second main actor in the forest and starts following him. In this scene there was going to be a high risk fight between the actress and the second main actor. Film's lead actress doesn't want to perform such a difficult scene so she demanded for a stunt double.
Shooting started and Taehyung started following the second main actor till they reached inside the forest and a fight started between them. Film's director wants this scene to look real so it's important that a real fight occurs between them. A punch and a kick are of no use. They need to fight like perfectionists. It took four to five shoots to complete the scene perfectly. He then completed some other scenes of the movie in which a stunt double is needed.

Taehyung's work finally finished around 7:30pm. He took his payment from the stage manager and left the studio. The studio was located on the outside of Seoul. It is an area where very few vehicles come. Nearby bus stands are also at some distance from the studio. He came here by taxi but right now he needs to walk to reach the bus stand. The road was deserted and street lights were not enough. It was dark in the surroundings as if in a horror movie. He had heard that on this road many rape cases had happened and the victim are mainly young girls and boys. It also includes many actresses. They were robbed, raped and then murdered. He covered his body with his hands and started walking again. By remembering the things Seokjin told him about this place he started feeling slightly afraid.

As he was walking along the road he would feel branches or bushes present on the road side moving. He felt like someone was following him. He started running. As he turned around the corner two men came in front of him. Taehyung felt his throat dry. 'Oh God now this new problem. Please God help me.' He thought. Both men present in front of him had covered their face with a mask and they had sharp knives in their hands. 'Tae don't be afraid. Remember what Yoongi Hyung taught you. You can easily take them down.' He thought.

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