chapter 70~video

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I'm out walking by myself, but I can feel someone stalking me. There's nothing to be panicked about; it's that man I named Ben.

Kenji sent him. I take my phone and text Kenji to make that Ben guy stop following me, and a few minutes later he disappears.

I continue to walk and wonder about what my future will look like.

I'm probably going to be in college, yeah.

Can't wait

But what about romantically?

My thoughts were interrupted by a big shadow. I looked at the man and saw some strangers.

I think he's drunk

God, I hate drunk people.

"Hey pretty lady, I want to show you my new place," he smiles and exposes his yellow teeth.

I was about to get out of there, but he grabbed my hand, and that's when Kenji showed up.

"What do you think you're doing with my wife?" he asks angrily.

"Wife? I didn't saw the ring"

A few seconds later, he disappears.

"Thank you," I look at him and say.

"No need to thank me," he said. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Can I join you for a walk?" he asks softly, and I nod.

We walk, and then I sit down. I feel tired.

"Azalea, I swear to fucking god, I have never even thought it as if I could at least have one of the sisters. I never even liked Alexsa, I swear, and I promise I haven't kissed her. She came to me and kissed me; I can't even call it a kiss. She put her lips on mine, and I didn't do anything," he explains, and his voice is shaky.

"The thought of you two kissing is stuck in my head, you say you didn't kisse her but I saw what I saw and the image is still there even after all those months"

"I get it, but I didn't kiss her. I don't know how to assure you. Hold on, I know," he says, and a few minutes later I get a video on my phone from Kenji.

"Please play the video."

I play it and see kanji with Alex, it's few minutes before their kiss

Kanji was sitting and drinking something brown—alcohol, I think—then Alexa came in.

"Hey, your name is Keji, right?" she asks.

"Yeah," he answers, not looking at her.

"I'm glad we're gonna spend more time together" she says taking sit on a cabinet

Kanji doesn't say anything.

Kenji stands up and starts to walk when she grabs his hand and pulls it to her.

"What do you want?"

"Why so mean?" she smiles and tries to kiss him, but he pulls away.

"Lexsa, no," Kenji's voice says.

"No one is here."

"I don't care," he says so quietly that it is hard to hear.

Kenji starts at her, but not like he adores her, but 'what does she want?' Kinda way

"Stop it," Kenji said.

"Azalea isn't here. How long are we going to hide?" She looks in the direction I was and kisses him, but like Kenji said, he didn't

She knew I was there.

She fucking knew, and that's why she said that.

"I know you still saw that, but please trust me, I have never liked her, even for a second, or thought of you as her," he admits.

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