chapter 35 ~ more

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"she's moving" I hear someone say

"Hello, beautiful, you passed out yesterday. I bet you had a wonderful sleep."

If you have not guessed, I got kidnapped.

I got kidnapped a while ago. I have lost count of time here, and I don't know if it has been day, week, or month.

After I passed out in that man's car, I woke up and saw the same man. He whispered that I should pretend I'm sleeping or they would give me some kind of pill, so I did what he said.

Basically, I have been sold...

More drugs

More kidnapping

More pain

More cold

More starvation

More loneliness

No matter how many starts I get and I got,  it always has the same ending every time, the microscopical happiness that I find falls apart and I end up alone.

I should have known this would have happened because anything I never want to lose is always lost.

I wish—I wish we had never met.

Now I wish to go back to Russia to pay my father's debit and not understand what family actually means.

How brothers love could make you feel cozy, how I could depend on them, how I was loved

I want to forget how it feels to be loved. I wish I never knew because, when it came to believing me, they broke my heart that they didn't believe me.

They broke my trust; they assured me they would never hurt me, but here I am in ripped clothes, blood between my legs, cold, and starved.

Overthinking because that's all you can do when you're on drugs.

If I get out of here, I will never get back to them. I still think of Dorian raising his voice at me and talking like I'm his client or something.

Why am I still fighting? I have been kidnapped and humiliated in every way possible.

It's true when they say love makes you weaker because they hurt you and feel like you disappointed them, which makes you doubt yourself.

So right now why. am. I still fighting for peace?

I won't get it.

No matter what I do, I let people down. All I ever did was try to survive.

Tears fall

Is it so wrong to want to be alive in peace and want to live?



I feel like he liked my attention more than he liked me, in any sense of the word, whether it's romantic or platonic.

I hear the door open. "Here she is," a man said as another walked in.

I smile when I recognize his face, not because of happiness but because my life couldn't get worse.

"Missed me?" Maxsim asked.

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